Netflix - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 23.12.2020  


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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



EvilPhoEniXThe Prom(2020) 

I expected something bolder from Ryan Murphy, but otherwise this is a pretty good film. I don't really follow musicals, but the casting caught my attention. Nicole Kidman is still unbelievably sexy, and unfortunately,… (mehr)

novotenThe Prom(2020) 

Lemonade made from the sweetest ingredients. However, it's precisely those values that I so gladly uphold, so the smile didn't disappear from my face even in those excessively optimistic moments. Considering the topic,… (mehr)

3DD!3The Midnight Sky(2020) 

A good movie to complete this year’s Christmas atmosphere. A coronavirus wipes out the human race and the only hope is a newly discovered moon orbiting Jupiter. A cancer-ridden Clooney simply has to get to an antenna to… (mehr)