Netflix - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 10.03.2021  
Streaming ab 08.03.2021


Streaming ab 05.03.2021
Streaming ab 04.03.2021
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Streaming ab 01.03.2021
Streaming ab 28.02.2021
Streaming ab 26.02.2021


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Streaming ab 24.02.2021
Streaming ab 23.02.2021
Streaming ab 22.02.2021


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Streaming ab 19.02.2021
Streaming ab 18.02.2021
Streaming ab 17.02.2021
Streaming ab 16.02.2021
Streaming ab 14.02.2021


Streaming ab 12.02.2021


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst




A promising idea gradually gives up any promise and just drowns in a very naive to stupid execution, only to drown completely at the end (the ending is SO stupid). Neither Olga Kurylenko's beautiful eyes nor the rarely… (mehr)

OthelloI Care a Lot(2020) 

It’s pretty much a slam dunk by the halfway point since the central pensioner scam is a believably foul business, the plot unravels slowly and suspensefully, Peter Dinklage has a great accent and charisma, and Rosamund… (mehr)

GoldbeaterI Care a Lot(2020) 

This movie has an imaginative subject matter, a likable cynical approach, and a great plot. However, disappointment soon comes. With such a strong concept and edgy heroine, it is a complete shame that the filmmaker… (mehr)