Netflix - Streaming


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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



PethushkaDu hast das Leben vor dir(2020) 

I have a thing for unusual and unlikely relationships, so just the intersection of a life slowly coming to an end with a life that has barely begun moves me. Plus, Sophia Loren is amazing and her personality is strong… (mehr)


I think this is a perfectly beautiful film and that I've seen very few acting performances this year that would come close to that extra level performed here by Amy Adams and Glenn Close. Both are great, and although… (mehr)

EvilPhoEniXVoces – Die Stimmen(2020) 

A perfect heart attack-inducing ride from Spain! This is high-quality that I will remember with honor. The film is based on a quite interesting story, which becomes increasingly interesting and, above all, sinister… (mehr)