Netflix - Streaming


Streaming ab 07.02.2022  
Streaming ab 04.02.2022


Streaming ab 03.02.2022
Streaming ab 02.02.2022
Streaming ab 01.02.2022
Streaming ab 31.01.2022


Streaming ab 29.01.2022
Streaming ab 28.01.2022
Streaming ab 27.01.2022


Streaming ab 26.01.2022
Streaming ab 25.01.2022
Streaming ab 24.01.2022
Streaming ab 23.01.2022
Streaming ab 21.01.2022


Streaming ab 20.01.2022


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



novotenHagane no renkindžucuši(2017) 

Fullmetal Alchemist will probably remain my favorite anime forever. I started buying the manga in Czech as it was being released, and no matter what form I see the story of the Elric brothers in, I always have tears in… (mehr)

NecrotongueMünchen – Im Angesicht des Krieges(2021) 

All the exteriors and interiors were excellent — it was all beautifully filmed. But was it worth more than two hours of my time? I'd argue not. What this film portrayed can only be described as a disgrace. Neville… (mehr)

ZízaHagane no renkindžucuši(2017) 

Such a disappointment. It’s got such a great story, the anime/manga are suspenseful, full of epic moments and powerful scenes. The movie tried to implement them too, but nothing came of it. It's just a very long, very… (mehr)