Netflix - Streaming


Streaming ab 14.04.2020  
Streaming ab 10.04.2020


Streaming ab 09.04.2020
Streaming ab 07.04.2020
Streaming ab 06.04.2020
Streaming ab 03.04.2020
Streaming ab 02.04.2020


Streaming ab 01.04.2020
Streaming ab 30.03.2020
Streaming ab 28.03.2020
Streaming ab 27.03.2020


Streaming ab 26.03.2020
Streaming ab 25.03.2020
Streaming ab 24.03.2020


Streaming ab 21.03.2020
Streaming ab 20.03.2020


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



kaylinDas Zeichen des Teufels(2020) 

The Mexican movie Mark of the Devil shows that Netflix gives opportunities to anyone with a project that is even remotely interesting. However, it can still end up being something completely we have seen before that is… (mehr)

FilmmaniakDer Schacht(2019) 

This is a thriller reminiscent of Snowpiercer about a vertical prison, which also serves as a metaphor for human society and its caste. Together with the voluntarily imprisoned protagonist, we gradually discover the… (mehr)

EvilPhoEniXDein Zuhause gehört mir(2020) 

Spain once again confidently defends its throne and throws another fine Netflix thriller at us. Critics abroad are even calling the film the Spanish Parasite. The leading actors are proven quality (Marshland and The… (mehr)