Netflix - Streaming


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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



D.MooreFamilie Willoughby(2020) 

Gorgeous styling and animation, crazy gags, and a great (original) dub, all of which I enjoyed... for about half an hour. Then, unfortunately, The Willoughbys got a bit boring and, more importantly, I noticed that it… (mehr)

NecrotonguePlagi Breslau(2018) 

I was looking forward to another one of Vega’s works, and I’m really glad he didn't let me down. Although the investigator was no first-rate beauty, she immediately won me over with her verbal expression. So, since I… (mehr)

JFLErde und Blut(2020) 

Julien Leclercq spends a lot of time cruising at idle speed here and Earth and Blood is more like a formal exercise on the topic of depressing stylisation of the French countryside on the model of Francophone horror… (mehr)