Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 16.07.2020  


Streaming ab 15.07.2020
Streaming ab 14.07.2020
Streaming ab 13.07.2020
Streaming ab 12.07.2020
Streaming ab 11.07.2020
Streaming ab 10.07.2020



Streaming ab 09.07.2020
Streaming ab 08.07.2020
Streaming ab 06.07.2020
Streaming ab 05.07.2020


Streaming ab 03.07.2020


Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



LimaGreyhound – Schlacht im Atlantik(2020) 

As if, after Band of Brothers and Pacific, Tom Hanks needed to pay homage once more to the front-line heroes of World War Two. This film falls short of the parameters of a war movie for the big screen; it rather feels… (mehr)

lampsGretel & Hänsel(2020) 

A bedtime story as bedtime horror. A good idea (that was long overdue) with a very distinctive execution and an emphasis on an almost surrealist atmosphere and hopelessly dark setting. It’s a pity that they had neither… (mehr)

StanislausUnhinged - Ausser Kontrolle(2020) 

Already at the outset, Unhinged grabs the viewer's attention with a stark but incisive overview of the state of crime and society in the US, a land of unlimited possibilities but limited people. After a brief prologue… (mehr)