The Night Comes for Us

  • Indonesien The Night Comes for Us

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Ein ehemaliger Elite-Attentäter der Triaden, der während eines Massakers das Leben eines Mädchens verschonte, muss nun von gleichfalls mörderischen Gangstern fliehen. (Netflix)

Kritiken (10)

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Deutsch Eine Prügelei und Schlächterei. Die Handlungslinie ist hier nur ein Vorwand für die Dresche-Aufteilung der Figuren. Und für weitere Figuren in weiteren Prügeleien. Das Beziehungsdrama über Freundschaft und Verrat funktioniert hier ähnlich wie ein Messerstich in den Bauch – das Messer wird mit einer verzerrten Fresse herausgezogen und nach fünf Minuten, in der nächsten Prügelei, wirkt es so, als ob es nie passiert wäre. Zum Beispiel der Film The Raid 2 hatte eine Komposition-Ästhetik, eine große Rolle spielten Farben. Dasselbe bei John Wick: Kapitel 2. Das hier ist nur eine dreckige, verblichene Schlächterei mit kleinen delikaten "Gore“-Momenten. Die genoss ich sehr, für eine bessere Bewertung reicht es aber nicht aus. ()


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Deutsch Wenn es dich stört, dass die Charaktere hier unsterblich sind, stell dir vor, dass sie alle Marsianer oder universelle Soldaten sind. Das hat mir geholfen. Denn persönlich erinnere ich mich ernsthaft nicht daran, jemals einen blutigeren Actionfilm gesehen zu haben, in dem jeder erdenklicher Teil des menschlichen Körpers abgeschossen, abgeschnitten, herausgeschnitten oder gebrochen wird. Mit dieser ungezügelten Brutalität würde ich den Film nicht zu beiden Rambo-Filmen, sondern gleich zu Splatter/Gore-Horrorfilmen wie Braindead einordnen. Und etwas sagt mir, dass ich nicht weit von der Wahrheit entfernt bin. Dreck, Abscheu und Blut - nichts für Liebhaber des gepflegten John Wick. Denn Tjahjanto ist in erster Linie ein Metzger und erst dann Regisseur. ()


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Deutsch Ein Indonesisches blutiges Actiongemetzel voller Schießereien, Stiche, Schnitte, Hiebe, Brechen und Hacken - all das in absolut atemberaubender Choreografie brutaler Kämpfe, bei denen dem Zuschauer manchmal die Kinnlade herunterfällt, und flotten Regie mit vielen Raffinessen - das unterhält von Anfang bis Ende. Ich weiß nicht einmal, was ich noch sagen soll. Man muss es einfach sehen. Ein Muss für Fans von The Raid und 2. ()


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Deutsch Der Action-Thriller aus dem Umfeld der härtesten Gangs der asiatischen Unterwelt balanciert auf dem schmalen Grat zwischen blutigem Vergnügen und unangenehmer Gewalttätigkeit. Die einfallsreichen und technisch perfekt inszenierten Schießereien und trickreichen, maskenbildnerischen und choreografisch ausgefeilten Nahkämpfe verwandeln sich von einer saftigen Attraktion für abgehärtete Zuschauer in eine extrem brutale Ausstellung von Verstümmelungen. In dieser Hinsicht ist es vergleichbar mit "Zátah 2", aber es geht noch einen Schritt weiter (der Regisseur durfte sich offiziell von Netflix loslösen, was er königlich ausnutzte). In der ersten Hälfte ist die Geschichte eine leicht chaotische Verwirrung von sich ständig vermindernden Charakteren, die auf beiden Seiten der Barrikaden gegeneinander kämpfen, zwischen denen sie hin und her springen und sich gegenseitig untergraben, bis der Zuschauer das Interesse an den Helden verliert und aufhört, sich darum zu kümmern, wie der Film endet, und sich nur noch auf die nächste Aktion freut. Glücklicherweise stabilisiert sich dies in der zweiten Hälfte, es wird deutlich festgelegt, wer mit wem gegen wen steht, und der Rest ist ein fieberhaftes Gemetzel mit körperlich intensiven Action-Passagen, die zwar nicht besonders zahlreich, aber lang und verflucht dicht sind. ()



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Englisch The first twenty minutes are like torture and a test of your patience, because Tjahjanto tries to build something like a fateful plot and relationships between the characters. But not a single, even average actor, acts in this movie, and the author himself is a completely hopeless screenwriter. So, you're just waiting for him to finally realize what kind of experienced street-fighter he has in his cast (it's like having Messi available for a football match and instead of letting him on the field, you're dealing with dolphin extinction on the bench) and he finds a damn excuse, so that they can hit each other hard. And as soon as he finds the excuse by entering the butcher shop, you know what is going on. Yes, the style of action is like Raid 1.5. No, Tjahjanto is not Gareth Evans, but he copies the action from him skillfully. Contact battles alternate with mass massacres with the machete, including some shootout, a chase ... Every now and then, it's a different type of event. There are three connecting elements; playful raw choreography (all tribute to the performance of stuntmen), dynamic yet well-arranged camera and absolute adoration of senselessly excessive unjustified gore-slaughterhouse violence, which not everyone can take. Especially when it is true that the plot / dialogs / tensions between the characters (they appear out of nowhere and disappear somewhere) are purely for the form, as the author read somewhere that every movie should have such elements. I advise you well, jump right the butcher shop scene and after about ten minutes it will suddenly be clear to you whether you have discovered your new guilty pleasure cult or if just can´t understand “what kind of perverted sadistic beasts the Indonesians are" and you turn it off in disgust. But before you turn it off, at least watch the final ten-minute battle of Taslim versus Uwais; it is pure genre joy. ()


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Englisch For the first time without his brother, Timo Tjahjanto delivers another action gem that will definitely put a smile on your face, and as it works perfectly as a replacement for the cancelled The Raid 3. It's worth noting that Timo made his name with the horror film Macabre (still one of the most brutal exploitation films ever) so the primary fiddle is played by gore and violence, which is abundant here, and I really like his approach to the genre because he is one of the few to push the boundaries, show things that are taboo and shy away from absolutely nothing. That fascinates me because Americans can be quietly envious. Acting wise the film is top notch, it brings together a familiar cast, but it took me a little to get used to Iko Uwais being a villain, but thankfully Joe Taslim has charisma to spare, but surprisingly Julie Estelle shines the most, she immediately needs her own solo outing. The action hardly takes its foot off the gas it's one ultra brutal carnage where everyone is slashing with whatever is at hand, limbs are broken in all sorts of ways and multiple fighting styles are used. Tjahjanto revels in lethal destruction and I go crazy right along with him. The biggest highlight is definitely Julie Estelle versus two lesbians, and I don't think there has been a better female fight, and of course the finale, which takes the best of The Raid 2, and Joe Taslim versus Uwais as a battle of brothers was quite emotional, and of course the choreography can't be faulted. Not just to praise, there are of course some issues. I found the visuals rather average, at times I felt the characters were surviving the impossible and I was a little disappointed that there was no new action discovery. But these are irrelevant little things that didn't spoil the experience for me. Anyone who likes confident action, uncompromising and brutal films will be satisfied. Those who slept through Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude Van Damme will probably grumble. An action fan can't go below 3* here. I'm looking forward to May the Devil Take You and hope that in the years to come the Mo Brothers will continue to satisfy me, because there aren't that many smart filmmakers out there right now. 90% ()


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Englisch Slaughter filmed in a highly cultivated style. The story is just chaotic filler between action scenes full of raw meat, bones and blood. The characters have strange motivations and frequently behave illogically, but that doesn’t really matter too much. Friends from The Raid simply had a bit of fun together and give us several unforgettable fight scenes and painful moments served on a silver platter. Uwais seems to quite enjoy his unconventional role, but his performance is more or less standard. Julie Estelle reserved for herself the best fight involving two lesbian killers. Girl power! ()


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Englisch A brutal splatter romp, with a story, so to speak, about a hitman who rethinks his priorities at the last minute and doesn't shoot a little girl, then goes on to kills dozens of punks to protect her. It's an impressive fighting game, unspoiled by the traditionally extremely fast-paced Asian action full of incredible stunts. But unlike The Raid 2, which it wants so much to resemble, it doesn't have the epic breadth of plot or the refined visual aesthetic. All that's left is a similar brawler, with a poorer plot but a hell of a style and finally more space for Julie Estelle. ()


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Englisch The Raid gave us top-shelf choreography that didn’t make you feel ashamed and made shake head in disbelief at how anyone could make such a fabulous thing. With The Night Comes for Us, I was thinking exactly the opposite. The fact that there is no story was clear from the beginning and nobody demanded it, the fact that the gore works perfectly as far as blood is concerned is also a huge plus, but the fact that the action is so damn stupid, unbelievable, with fights that are so overly engineered and at times even embarrassing is unforgivable in this genre. A woman who kills people with a ball on a wire and "cuts" their limbs with it, a dude who throws a machete at his enemy's back, spins around and the machete in his hand starts cutting everyone around him, and that's how you they do 1v20. Yes, if you are a moron with a double-digit IQ, that would probably be enough, but for someone who wants at least basic logic, it's not going to work. Ridiculous. And Iko Uwais is on screen for about 20 minutes here:))) ()


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Englisch The Night Comes for Us dangerously breathes down the neck of its rival in the same genre (Raid 1 and Raid 2). Once again, Iko Uwais appears, but this time he was handed the script and simply told, "Play the villain." I'm not at all used to that, but so be it. The story is somewhat lacking, but then again, The Raid doesn't boast much in that department either, and look at the classic it turned out to be. I could easily see Joe Taslim in a Hollywood blockbuster, as he truly has talent. When it comes to the action scenes, all I can say is FANTASTIC work. Seriously. At moments, my jaw literally dropped (um, I mean, my lower jaw), because choreography like this is rarely seen. And those gore scenes, WOW, simply WOW! No blood was spared, and each kill was truly brutal. The highlight scene for me isn't even the final fight between Taslim and Uwais, but rather the ultimate showdown between Julie Estelle and two female assassins. It has great camera work, the fight itself was processed very quickly but clearly, and the use of colors was outstanding. Not even Tarantino in Kill Bill reached such a high level of quality. The ending was surprising, and while I wouldn't expect a sequel, it's true that with Julie Estelle in the lead, it could probably work. Over time, I might even consider giving it the highest rating, as I see potential for a cult classic here. I give it 84%. ()

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