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agentmikyTom Clancy's Gnadenlos(2021) 

One of the most anticipated films of the year almost ended up being a complete disaster. It was saved from this unfavorable position by Stefano Sollima's solid direction, where he feels right at home. The problem lies… (mehr)

RemedyTom Clancy's Gnadenlos(2021) 

A very good espionage genre flick that may be more of a political/conspiracy film, at the expense of the action, but it isn't short on great characters and a decent dose of suspense. It then gives the viewer an… (mehr)

MrHladTom Clancy's Gnadenlos(2021) 

I'm very fond of Tom Clancy, Taylor Sheridan, Michael B. Jordan and actually quite a bit of Stefano Sollima. So I'm taking what eventually came out of Without Remorse pretty hard. Heck, the story has almost nothing to… (mehr)