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kaylinDas Urteil von Nürnberg(1961) 

When one gives older films a chance, one can be deservedly rewarded. This is also the case with the movie Judgment at Nuremberg, which not only boasts excellent casting but is truly a powerful and intriguing discourse… (mehr)

angel74Flucht in Ketten(1958) 

An amazing film that I have seen countless times in my youth and I literally devoured the story of the two men fleeing from the law. It's almost unbelievable how little the ravages of time have affected this film, and… (mehr)

POMODer Zug(1964) 

Ein erstklassiges Filmemacher-Handwerk, das mich mit seiner Präzision (und der thematischen Verbindung) an Singers Operation Walküre - Das Stauffenberg Attentat erinnerte. Ein spannender Thriller, der dank einem… (mehr)

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