Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming ab 15.05.2008  


Streaming ab 14.05.2008
Streaming ab 13.05.2008
Streaming ab 12.05.2008
Streaming ab 11.05.2008


Streaming ab 10.05.2008
Streaming ab 09.05.2008
Streaming ab 08.05.2008


Streaming ab 07.05.2008
Streaming ab 05.05.2008
Streaming ab 04.05.2008




NecrotongueHow I Met Your Mother - Der Lückenfüller(2008) 

Even though Barney was great again and Lily straddled that earthquake, the episode didn't exactly blow my socks off. It mostly dealt with thinigs that didn't interest me, and people were behaving in a way that I don't… (mehr)

PethushkaLove Vegas(2008) 

For the first time in a long time, a movie that consistently made me laugh. The main reason is the great "foursome". The jokes are delivered naturally and finally it's not the "ahh, how about we sit down at the table… (mehr)

KakaLove Vegas(2008) 

Another one from the bunch. Nothing outstanding, nothing surprising, a perfumed fairytale for (almost) adults. Cameron Diaz will play a naive girl until she's fifty and Ashton Kutcher is not as sweet as he might seem… (mehr)