Disney+ - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 28.04.2013  


Streaming ab 27.04.2013
Streaming ab 26.04.2013


Streaming ab 25.04.2013
Streaming ab 24.04.2013
Streaming ab 23.04.2013


Streaming ab 22.04.2013
Streaming ab 21.04.2013


Streaming ab 19.04.2013



J*A*S*MIron Man 3(2013) 

The best Iron Man, sure, but nothing to write home about. It’s the same playful Marvel as we know it, it doesn’t get darker or rougher in any significant way. The one really interesting thing is the twist with the… (mehr)

NinadeLIron Man 3(2013) 

Total satisfaction. At times epic, but at times very, very lame. Gwyneth built herself up like an action hero and showed off her belly button! Stan Lee plays Bingo and the important thing is that Tony Stark Will Return. (mehr)

wooozieIron Man 3(2013) 

I'll admit, after binge-watching the first two installments the day before, I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking. The trailers looked solid, but I had this nagging skepticism that it might just be another fun ride… (mehr)