Disney+ - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 16.06.2019  
Streaming ab 14.06.2019


Streaming ab 13.06.2019
Streaming ab 12.06.2019
Streaming ab 11.06.2019
Streaming ab 10.06.2019


Streaming ab 09.06.2019
Streaming ab 08.06.2019
Streaming ab 07.06.2019


Streaming ab 06.06.2019
Streaming ab 05.06.2019
Streaming ab 04.06.2019
Streaming ab 03.06.2019
Streaming ab 02.06.2019


Streaming ab 31.05.2019



novotenX-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

Due to the public's zero to negative expectations, a clear critical and commercial defeat was anticipated long in advance, breaking my heart with how much it reaches out to me and how well I understand it. It is, in… (mehr)

3DD!3X-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

It is the year 1992, the space shuttle Endeavour ends up in a cosmic cloud in our planet’s orbit, the X-Men come to help, and something goes wrong. This space plot introduces a non-mutant/non-human enemy, while at the… (mehr)

KakaX-Men: Dark Phoenix(2019) 

The revelry continues with hollow material from which absolutely nothing can be milked, even if Fassbender and co. were standing on their heads. The X-Men are long past their sell-by date for many reasons. A story… (mehr)