Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 01.02.2013  


Streaming ab 31.01.2013
Streaming ab 30.01.2013
Streaming ab 29.01.2013



Streaming ab 28.01.2013
Streaming ab 27.01.2013



Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



D.MooreFliegende Untertassen greifen an(1956) 

Calling this an ageless classic with an irresistible period charm, such as King Kong has today, is out of the question due to the truly naive and years-outdated script, and so what remains to admire about Earth vs. the… (mehr)

lampsThe Impossible(2012) 

A painful and thorough reconstruction of a great natural catastrophe, delivered mainly through the physical and mental suffering of the protagonists, with whom the viewer feels for until the last second, clinging like a… (mehr)

kaylinEin Mann sucht sich selbst(1970) 

Some films are watched for their story, while others are watched for the excellent performances. In this case, this is definitely a film that stands out for Jack Nicholson's performance. I wasn't that interested in the… (mehr)