Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

Streaming ab 30.01.2020  


Streaming ab 29.01.2020


Streaming ab 28.01.2020
Streaming ab 27.01.2020


Streaming ab 25.01.2020
Streaming ab 24.01.2020



Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



POMOSorry We Missed You(2019) 

Is this how authentically and with so much sincerity Ken Loach can tell stories of “ordinary people” and their problems? And how wonderfully he can work with actors? Sorry We Missed You is a beautiful, sober drama in… (mehr)

FilmmaniakSons Of Denmark(2019) 

This is an ambitious and socially engaged film about the dangers of growing extremism and that members of certain ethnic groups should not be categorized the same, and that each violent solution produces more violence.… (mehr)

angel74The Last Full Measure - Keiner bleibt zurück(2019) 

The Last Full Measure has an extremely strong story and an important idea, but it doesn't seem to really sell either. The plot drags on, lacks dramatic arcs, and the final typically American cheerleader along with a lot… (mehr)