Apple TV+ - Streaming-Dienste

Apple TV+

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Beste Filme auf Streaming-Dienst



MalarkeyLeaving Las Vegas - Liebe bis in den Tod(1995) 

I’ve seen plenty of alcoholics in my town but none of them was like Nicolas Cage. This proves that there are thousands of different kinds of alcoholics. I don’t mean to disrespect Nicolas’ performance in any way, but I… (mehr)

DaViD´82Die Piratenbraut(1995) 

A movie that became a synonym for lack of success and quality. Which it well deserves. But it isn’t absolutely boring. It’s just so terribly mediocre in all respects. All it needed was a director with a surer hand and… (mehr)

MattyThe Rock - Fels der Entscheidung(1996) 

“Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot.” When I was ten, I thought The Rock was the best action movie ever made. With the passage of many years, I still wouldn’t change my opinion. There are different reasons for… (mehr)