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Kritiken (10 848)


Tödlicher Sturm (1940) 

Englisch A beautiful film about what monsters people can be. One of the few American films - and the first ever, if I'm not mistaken - that confronted Nazism head-on. It was subsequently banned in Germany. I'm quite surprised that a film like this came so late because it beautifully shows that those who suffer in war are individuals and the entire nation with them, while only a handful are those who seek to destroy and change the world into its ruins.


Fatal Instinct (2014) 

Englisch Yeah, the story is really poorly executed. It could have been much more interesting and genuinely suspenseful, but the camera gives everything away. Still, for some reason, I couldn't help but enjoy it. Richard Burgi really clicked with me here, but he generally has something about him that I don't mind at all. In fact, it’s the opposite. Overall, though, it's still quite weak, and it needed a bit more attention to detail.


Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) 

Englisch The film Only Lovers Left Alive is stylized, with its own pace, specific musical and sound aspects, and distinctive acting - slow, weary, resigned - where faster moments stand out, although there aren't many of them. The horror atmosphere is minimal, but for example, the scene in the airplane is very well-shot, even though it logically fizzles out. A good film, but one that is not easy to digest.


Pinocchio (1940) 

Englisch Walt Disney Studios can have whatever approach it wants to source material and stories in general; it can be quite cautious in what it portrays, especially in recent years. However, it cannot be denied that in the past, the studio created animated films that simply cannot be forgotten. Pinocchio is one of them. A beautiful story turned into a beautiful animated version.


Yellow Belly End (2009) 

Englisch There could be a lot said about the movie, but it could also just be empty words. It is definitely an interesting idea, with a unique animation, but it didn't really affect me in any significant way. I saw it, but I will probably forget about it quickly.


Dame Factory Inc. (2011) 

Englisch This is such a shame... It could have turned out absolutely great because the first scene is absolutely brilliant, but the rest is a bit clichéd and it's neither funny, darkly humorous, nor truly gruesome, and the digital effects aren't worth much either. If the creators had put in a bit more effort, I'm sure it could have received much higher ratings, but here, the best shot is fired at the beginning, and then it goes downhill.


Notes on: Biology (2011) 

Englisch Excellent animation, but an even better idea that is set within a certain context; it's not just animation for the sake of it. There's also a general story, which is very nice. I really liked the animation, especially in terms of how much effort the creators put into each individual frame. It worked for me, and it’s definitely good in my opinion.


Brazil (1985) 

Englisch A very peculiar film that either resonates with you due to its concept or not at all. Terry Gilliam excels primarily with the visual aspect, but it's important to recognize that there is also a great story and a brilliant critique of human society - how we function, or rather how we could function but shouldn't. I haven't seen Jonathan Pryce act better, and his approach to the role was absolutely perfect for this.


Akira (1988) 

Englisch The Japanese are just crazy. At first, it looks like a typical B-movie where there will be senseless fighting and killing, but Akira is definitely not like that. It's philosophical sci-fi with great characters and great moments. Another breathtaking example of what Japanese art is all about, combining trash and ideas that B-movie productions are usually unable to present.


Load (2011) 

Englisch The fact that the animation is interesting, imaginative, and contains fantastic elements that appear original does not guarantee that it will be a meaningful film. In this case, I felt that meaningfulness was really lacking, and I didn't even know why I was watching it, other than that I happened to come across the film by chance.