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Kritiken (10 817)


Yellow Belly End (2009) 

Englisch There could be a lot said about the movie, but it could also just be empty words. It is definitely an interesting idea, with a unique animation, but it didn't really affect me in any significant way. I saw it, but I will probably forget about it quickly.


Dame Factory Inc. (2011) 

Englisch This is such a pity... It could have turned out absolutely great because the first scene is absolutely brilliant, but the rest is a bit cliché and it's neither funny, nor darkly humorous, nor really disgusting and the digital effects are not worth it. If the creators put a little more effort into it, I'm sure it could have had much higher ratings, but here the best part is shot at the beginning and then it goes downhill.


Notes on: Biology (2011) 

Englisch Excellent animation, but an even better idea, which is set in some context, it's not just animation for animation's sake. There's also a frame story, which is really great. I really liked the animation itself, especially in terms of how much work the creators put into the individual pages. It worked, definitely good for me.


Brazil (1985) 

Englisch A very strange film that either fits you very well with its concept or not at all. Terry Gilliam succeeded mainly with the visual side, but it is necessary to realize that there is also a great story, great criticism of human society and how we function, or rather how we could function but shouldn't. I haven't seen Jonathan Pryce act better yet, his acting approach fit perfectly here.


Akira (1988) 

Englisch The Japanese are simply crazy. At first glance, it looks like a proper B-movie where there will be fighting and senseless killing, but the film "Akira" definitely isn't like that. It is a philosophical sci-fi with great characters and excellent moments. Another stunning example of what Japanese art means, combining trash and ideas that B-movie production is not usually capable of presenting.


Load (2011) 

Englisch The fact that the animation is interesting and original, with fantastic elements that appear to be unique, is not a guarantee that the film will be meaningful. In this case, I had the feeling that the meaningfulness was truly lacking and I actually didn't even know why I was watching it, except for the fact that I accidentally came across the film.


Luminaris (2011) 

Englisch Stop motion animation with live actors has something special and creates an interesting impression. In addition, it includes a beautifully absurd story that simply must enchant you. And if not, then this film just won't entertain you. I thoroughly enjoyed this magical animation and its magical plot. Some ideas are truly unbelievable, and I almost envy the creators.


Dance, Girl, Dance (1940) 

Englisch It is not as exceptional of a film as the authors of the book "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" try to claim, but there is still a good idea and there are great characters, especially the female ones, of course. This is the element that makes the film interesting and it reaches its highest points with the final scenes, unfortunately. However, this probably won't become your favorite.


E.T. - Der Außerirdische (1982) 

Englisch But yeah, as a family movie, there's not much to criticize about it, plus Spielberg has a knack for truly epic and memorable scenes. There are several of them right here. He also has a knack for the right actors. But I simply never got into "E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial" and that hasn't changed at all even now. It's nice, but it just doesn't touch me. Maybe it's too cliché.


Mr. Foley (2009) 

Englisch Here it is shown that when creators are playful, it reflects nicely in the whole movie. There is one good idea presented in a funny, albeit absurd, way. Moreover, this is further supported by an excellent cyclic punchline, which shows that there are actually more of these ideas and that it could continue. However, the film is cut off in time, which is a good thing.