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Kritiken (10 821)


Inferno (2016) 

Englisch Tom Hanks returns as Robert Langdon, and Dan Brown shows that more than anything else, he excels at research. However, in Mr. Howard's rendition, it's all kind of the same, and in this case, I wasn't even interested in the mystery itself, which is usually the cornerstone of Brown's books. The horror moments and illusions are great, and Tom Hanks is again great, but that's about it.


Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues (2016) 

Englisch I'm sorry, but adapting a comic book into an animated film essentially by removing the lettering, focusing on details, and occasionally adding some movement is not the ideal approach, in my opinion, for creating an animated film. As a supplement to the comic, it can be interesting, but as a standalone film, it just doesn't work.


A Perfect Vacation (2015) 

Englisch Even though Awaken features actors like Vinnie Jones, Michael Paré, Daryl Hannah, Edward Furlong, and Robert Davi, who are relatively well-known names, it doesn't fare well even as a B-movie, where they usually appear nowadays. It's stretched out, lacking emotions, and ultimately you don't even have anyone to root for, even though this should be a survival film. Some topics are too overused and approached too superficially.


Mitternachtszirkus - Willkommen in der Welt der Vampire (2009) 

Englisch I probably had expectations too different from what I ultimately got. I thought this would be fun, that it would be different, that it would approach the vampire myth humorously, maybe even satirically, but this is just boring, with very good actors, but even they can't save the fact that this is basically Fright Night for kids.


Cäsar muss sterben (2012) 

Englisch An interesting film made by Italian matadors, the Taviani brothers, who were both in their eighties at the time of filming. That in itself is incredible, but they still have stories to tell, which makes it all the more important. The setting of Shakespeare in an interesting environment is intriguing, but I must say the film didn't give me that much.


Central do Brasil (1998) 

Englisch A beautiful, human story about what can happen when a little boy meets someone he doesn't know at all and whom he doesn't like, but with whom he must spend some time. Sure, it's quite reminiscent of Kolya, but I wouldn't look for any major inspiration here. It just turned out to be an excellent film on a similar theme.


From Beyond the Grave (1974) 

Englisch From Beyond the Grave is a very good collection of short stories featuring talented actors, but the actresses not so much. It’s as if horror were a male prerogative. That's a bit of a shame, but it doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed the atmosphere, the approach that leans more towards violent horror, but also interesting scenarios that aren't entirely predictable, and it can definitely be said that they're not boring.


Alice im Wunderland 2: Hinter den Spiegeln (2016) 

Englisch No, not this. Johnny Depp isn't just bad here, he's simply annoying, just like the story. I just don't want to see Depp in similar roles anymore... Oh, there is going to be another Pirates film... Time travel is a cliché, and here it just doesn't work. It's just stretching something that could have been presented more interestingly, perhaps in a more detective-like manner. It's a good thing Burton didn't make it. On the other hand, he'd probably do it anyway...


Der grosse Macher (1997) 

Englisch Michael Moore is quite a good commentator and has interesting ideas, like in this case, where he actually turned his promotional tour for one of his books into an opportunity to film another one of his documentaries. He pulled it off quite well, but I can't help feeling that there was something missing, a truly strong connecting theme, besides Michael himself.


Coming Home (2014) 

Englisch China demonstrates that it not only has excellent filming techniques but also great directors who can tell the stories of people on a large scale and at the same time indicate how the nation actually thought during a critical period for the country. People's destinies are shaped by politics and are so strongly influenced by it that they can be destroyed. It seems to me that Zhang still puts a lot of emphasis on spectacle, but it works for him.