
Wissenschaftler Peyton Westlake arbeitet an einer Formel, mit deren Hilfe Körperteile geklont werden können. Eines Tages wird er von Handlangern eines mächtigen Städtebauers angegriffen. Sie verätzen den Körper des Forschers und stecken sein Labor in Brand. Doch der Schwerverletzte überlebt. Als verunstaltete Schattenkreatur übt er fortan unbarmherzige Rache an seinen Widersachern. (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Sam Raimi dokumentiert mit diesem Werk und mit seinen späteren Spider-Mans die zehnjährige technische Entwicklung sowie die Intelligenzentwicklung von Comicfilmen. Die Dynamik der Handlung, das existenzielle Leiden der Hauptfigur, ihre Liebe zur Frau, die Definition der Schufte, eine Menge an ausgezeichneten Regie-Ideen – das alles blieb, es hat sich "nur“ die Gestaltung (die Digitalisierung) der technischen Seite geändert, man hat mehr Wert auf Logik und die Verknüpfung von Teilen des Drehbuchs gelegt und aus purer Unterhaltung wurde eine Unterhaltung mit einer realen dramatischen Dimension. ()


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Englisch Raimi's colorful hyperkinetic imagery and Elfman's thunderous orgasmic score make Darkman one of the most "comic book" movies ever, which is interesting since it's not based on a comic book at all (the comic came later, though it's not well known). ()



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Englisch A comic book film adaptation from the days the phrase “coming book film adaptation” carried well-deserved negative connotations. ()


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Englisch When I saw Raimi's gory horror Evil Dead, I asked myself how the same man could have made Spider-Man. While watching Darkman, it finally dawned on me. I'd say Darkman is kind of a bridge between Raimi's zombie and comic book era. That's not to say that's true, but it seemed that way to me. I’ve heard people saying that Liam Neeson does not fit at all into the role of a disfigured hero seeking revenge for his mutilated body. Personally, I would say that's not true. That’s because not every hero has to be a muscular tough guy who delivers hard blows. Peyton is a smooth, likable guy. That is, until they burn his face off. The script is somewhat naive, but it has occasional gritty twists. Like the guy lying dead on a car, and a somewhat similar guy sitting next to him on a bench. If I were in the shoes of the woman who saw it, I don't think I'd understand either... :-) But Raimi can patch up even the worst script with his impeccable direction. Together with cinematographer Bill Pope, he makes action films of a really high standard that are still impressive fourteen years later. And when the action is complemented by Danny Elfman's music, there's really nothing more to discuss. I confess that if I didn't know that Sam Raimi directed the film, I probably wouldn't have watched it. And after watching it, I would have given it a below-average rating. But it's a Sam Raimi movie. And "Sam Raimi" is a concept that must be respected. ()

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