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Nutzerkritik 3DD!3 zur diesen Serie (2)

Hawkeye (2021) 

Englisch Happy Holidays! A lightweight, enjoyable snack, nicely following up on and complementing events at Marvel. Renner is excellent and passes the baton on to a thrilled Hailey Steinfeld. Bishop has the balls to be in the Avengers, but it remains to be seen who else Feige will cast in the movies. It’s good to see Yelena and Wilson here and their appearances are meant to be the high points of the series. But it turns out that the real high point is the chase through the streets of New York with the souped-up darts. The series is worth watching for this alone. We're all gonna die. ()

Triff niemals deinen Helden (2021) (E01) 

Englisch This really has a nicely Die Hard atmosphere about it. Another Christmastide episode brings us the best archer in the world and a dad who’s a bit deaf (at last a character to identify with) in the hunt for an old suit and on the trail of a mysterious murder. Hawkeye is looking promising. ()

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Verschiebungen im Marvel-Kalender


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