Approaching the Unknown

  • Deutschland Operation Mars (mehr)


Als Wissenschaftler hat Captain William D. Stanaforth nur ein Ziel: Er will der erste Mensch auf dem Mars sein. Doch die schier endlos wirkende Reise dorthin strapaziert den Forscher enorm - und bald bangt er nicht nur um den Erfolg seines Vorhabens, er kämpft ums Überleben. (ProSieben FUN)

Kritiken (2)


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Englisch The only upside of this movie are the shots from space. Otherwise, it makes it seem like space is awfully boring and like there’s nothing to do… ()


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Englisch Mark Strong is trying and overall he is quite successful, but there is one single, very lonely aspect in the story that reminds us a lot of "The Martian", even though it takes a serious path and doesn't take place on Mars, but during the journey to it. However, the creators didn't give the film the necessary impetus and it appears to be too small, even intellectually, to truly captivate. ()