Bernard und Bianca - Die Mäusepolizei

  • Deutschland Bernard und Bianca - Die Mäusepolizei (mehr)


Bei der Internationalen Mäusehilfsgesellschafft geht ein Hilferuf des Waisenmädchens Penny ein. Die böse Madame hat sie entführt, um mithilfe des Mädchens in den Besitz eines wertvollen Diamanten zu gelangen. Ein Fall für den schüchternen Mäuserich Bernhard und seine mutige Kollegin Bianca. Von New York aus machen sie sich mit Akbatros Orville augenblicklich auf den Weg in die Sümpfe der Teufelsbucht, um das kleine Mädchen zu retten. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Bernard and Bianca do not have it easy even with the most dedicated domestic fans of the world of master Walt Disney. Though they at least managed to have a beautiful edition of elaborate books from Egmont at one point, unlike their more famous colleagues, they did not receive revival showings in theaters. And that's a real shame. In a fairytale without princesses or heroic knights, it teems with brave mice, confused birds, and maniacal humans, but The Rescuers does have a solid place in the Disney world. ()


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Englisch A suspenseful and quite grim Disney film where a little girl from an orphanage is forced to search for a large diamond in a narrow cave complex. A UN mouse intercepts a cry for help and sends a pair of volunteers on a mission to rescue her. I saw the sequel as a kid and had no idea about this one so I'm supplementing my education. The southern realism, the swamps and the psychotic bitch as the main villain are the best things about this variation on Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. ()


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