
Based on an explosive true story - only a fearless man would take on the Mafia in their home territory of Sicily. Those who die trying are called "excellent cadavers". But for Giovanni Falcone (Chazz Palminteri), it becomes an obsession for which he will risk his career, his marriage - and maybe even his life. Falcone finds himself targeting the Mafia when he uncovers mob ties to drug-dealing, government pay-offs and murder. But his biggest brek comes with the arrest of tommasso Buscetta (F. Murray Abraham) known as the "Godfather of Two Worlds." In exchange for falcone's promise of security, buscetta exposes the inner workings of the mafia and the secret multi-family commission that threatens the livesof all who seek to imprison them. Armed with that information, Falcone plans a massive assault on the crime families resulting in a trial with nearly 500 defendants and over 1,000 lawyers and witnesses. There is more than Falcone's career on the line, as every moment brings him either cloer to victory or closer to joining the growing list of Excellent Cadavers. (HBO Max)


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Deutsch Als ich dieses Jahr im Urlaub in Sizilien war, waren Falcone und Borsellini besonders in Palermo allgegenwärtig. Ich habe mich flüchtig mit ihrer Geschichte vertraut gemacht und wusste schon damals, dass ich nach dem Urlaub diesen Film sehen muss, von dessen Existenz ich keine Ahnung hatte. Beide Herren sind Legenden, Helden, ehrwürdige Persönlichkeiten, die alles geopfert haben, damit Sizilien bzw. Italien aus dem abscheulichen Mafiadreck herauskommen konnte. Dieser Film ist eine würdige Hommage an ihr Vermächtnis. Übrigens überrascht es mich nicht, dass beide Herren als Vorbild für Corrado Cattani dienten. ()