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Kritiken (7 554)


True Detective - Das Letzte Land (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The seventh episode was a bit livelier than the previous four, but still not enough for a better grade. I can’t shake the feeling that the creators lured me in with an excellent opening only to deceitfully disappoint me afterwards.


True Detective - Jäger in der Dunkelheit (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch You know, I had high hopes for a gripping crime thriller packed with tension and a gritty atmosphere. But with each episode, it feels like the creators are painting a picture of an inept police force under constant political pressure from the so-called "bad guys" to sway public opinion. It's like they're trying to reflect the current lack of faith in law enforcement.


True Detective - Wenn du Geister hast (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The fifth episode had me on the edge of my seat with its mysterious vibe. There were moments where it felt like I was about to uncover some big secrets, but alas, the creators held back, leaving me hanging. The action-packed start got my heart racing, but then things slowed down, and I found myself yearning for some major plot twists to shake things up.


True Detective - Der Tag und die Stunde (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The fourth episode left me feeling much like the last one — underwhelmed. Once again, it felt like we were just bouncing back and forth in time without any major developments. The tension and atmosphere took a back seat, and just when things started to get interesting, the creators hit the brakes, leaving me hanging.


True Detective - Das große Nie (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch After such a promising start, I wasn't prepared for the gradual drop in quality. The use of the three different timelines was intriguing at first, but it felt like the creators had lost their grip on the story. I didn't have as much fun this time around — the constant time jumps made it hard for the tension and atmosphere to build effectively.


True Detective - Den Morgen wirst du nicht erleben (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch In the second episode, I really felt the absence of the intense tension that gripped us in the opening episode. It definitely impacted the overall atmosphere, which didn't quite hit the same high notes as before. Plus, the pace of the story seemed to slow down a bit, and human rights fighters had to suffer when watching that disgusting and unfair interrogation of a pedophile.


True Detective - Der Große Krieg und die moderne Erinnerung (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The second season of the series didn't quite have me on the edge of my seat, but the first episode of the third season? Now that's a different story. I found myself totally engrossed, especially when the story took us back to 1980 (which thankfully was quite often). The atmosphere was just spot on - intense and suspenseful throughout. Here's hoping the rest of the season keeps up like this.


Big Little Lies - Season 2 (2019) (Staffel) 

Englisch I’ve said before that I had serious concerns about the second season, and even though a few of the episodes had some obvious flaws, the result was a pleasant surprise. Two new characters appeared in the story: while Elizabeth Howard only served to stretch out the story, Mary Louise Wright portrayed by Meryl Streep was a great addition to it. An incredibly annoying woman with lips clenched like the rectum of a heterosexual at a gay bar. An excellent character. I can tell by the fact that I occasionally thought about how happy I would be if she had some sort of a fatal accident. The second season was a bit weaker than the first one, but deserves four stars for its excellent atmosphere.


Big Little Lies - Jetzt will ich's wissen (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The previous episode already had me excited, and the finale just sealed the deal. While I still found the contrived plot around Elizabeth a bit of a stretch, the courtroom drama delivered once again, and hurricane Renata was a highlight for me.


Big Little Lies - Die schlechte Mutter (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The episode finally brought the much-needed development. The creators handled the trial with absolute mastery, and I would gladly add a fifth star if it weren't for the completely unnecessary storyline with dying Elizabeth. This character was clearly added to the story to stretch out the plot.