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Kritiken (7 554)


World on Fire - Episode 7 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Alright, I've made it through the entire first season, and the finale stayed true to the same course set from the beginning. Once again, there was a lot of weird stuff that distracted me from the romantic torment and self-torment. I won't delve into the details, my sight is not what it used to be but in a few darker shots, it almost seemed like the British dropped their paratrooper over Poland from a Junkers Ju 52/3m. Of course, that couldn't have happened, so I must have been hallucinating for sure.


World on Fire - Episode 6 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch Alright, it's no longer just an impression - I'm sure of it now. They're comedians. An Indian major in a high position in London? Now that's a great joke, and it landed perfectly. As I've mentioned before, the events in Berlin are by far the most interesting for me. In other cases, the plot feels like it's straight out of a soap opera. I really got a kick out of the paratrooper training scenes, consisting of Polish and French conversations and Morse code. What more could a para-agent possibly need, right? Well, at least I can have a good laugh from time to time. Undoubtedly, Robin Chase has become my favorite character.


World on Fire - Episode 5 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch It feels like the creators are poking fun at me. The Berlin episodes are definitely the standout so far, while the London ones are passable. However, Warsaw and especially France... Well, let's just say the team behind the series might have a knack for romantic drama, but they should probably leave the war events to someone more capable. The war neurotics are left armed to the teeth (Harry must love a bit of adrenaline), the British camp in the city in a caravan – and where on earth did that unattended girl come from? Did she just fall from the sky? But the biggest question mark for me: How on earth did Grzegorz make it to the Channel? Am I supposed to believe he first went east in Poland, then crossed through occupied territory to the west, danced his way through Germany, snuck past the front, and miraculously ended up in France? I'm not naive enough for that anymore.


World on Fire - Episode 4 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I was going to give this episode three stars but then the creative nonsense started piling up, and I quickly changed my mind. Nobody bats an eye at the two hunters of Germans wandering around Warsaw? I mean, I'd understand if they weren't using firearms, but this just seems a bit too far-fetched. I highly doubt every German in Warsaw is deaf. But what truly puzzles me is how those two Polish characters conveniently stumbled upon the British while on the run. It's a head-scratcher, really. For a moment, I even entertained the idea that I had dozed off and someone airlifted those two to France, but then I remembered that I'm not insane, unlike the screenwriters.


World on Fire - Episode 3 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I never imagined a naval battle could be portrayed in such an intimate manner. I initially expected a grandiose war epic, but it seems to be more of a romance set against the backdrop of war events, filmed on a set. Still quite weak in my opinion.


World on Fire - Episode 2 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I'm not entirely sure if I'd label the series as "bad" at this point, but I can confidently say it's not good either. We're taken on a journey following love sparks from Warsaw through London to Paris, with a lackluster plot and atmosphere. The horror of war is reduced to the shaving of a Jew's beard by Wehrmacht soldiers, which feels like a missed opportunity to truly delve into the darkness of the era that could have been brought about by the visits to Berlin if only the creators had the skills to achieve that. Overall, it's been a disappointment so far.


World on Fire - Episode 1 (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch After the first episode, my initial impressions aren't exactly glowing. The onset of war seemed to serve merely as a backdrop for some romance and for establishing a clear line between good and evil. Yet, the plot felt strangely hollow to me. There was a lot of emphasis on personal issues; I get it, Sean Bean's character is dealing with trauma from the Great War, but it all felt rather unremarkable. The atmosphere didn't stand out, and the actors' performances weren't entirely convincing either. However, the main objective seemed to be met adequately. Lately, I've had this nagging feeling that movies and series are primarily crafted to tell the viewer how to think, ticking off certain checkboxes rather than focusing on storytelling. It's all starting to feel a bit familiar...


Der Kastanienmann (2021) (Serie) 

Englisch When I started watching Kastanjemanden, I got a little too excited, and I was quite generous in my rating of the pilot episode. The following episodes gradually brought me back to reality, and I started noticing logic holes. Plus, the members of the police investigation department were turned into hopeless pawns. Episode 5 seemed like a small miracle for me, but the very next one brought back everything that annoyed me. If there’s something I can praise, it's the perfect dark and grim atmosphere that lasted for all six episodes. I wasn’t exactly thrilled, but I certainly don't regret having seen this show. 4*-


Der Kastanienmann - Episode 6 (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch I hate to say it, but my gut feeling was spot-on. The best episode was definitely the last one, and now it seems the creators have reverted to their old habits by making both investigators look dumb for the sake of drama. Sure, I could overlook many inconsistencies and those last-minute rescues, but the truth is, it could have turned out much worse.


Der Kastanienmann - Episode 5 (2021) (Folge) 

Englisch Those sneaky Danes! First, they deceive with their seemingly incapable characters, then they deliver a rather unremarkable performance for four episodes (yes, I'm looking at you, screenwriters), and then they hit us with the fifth episode like a freight train. The plot was gripping, the atmosphere darker than I'd expected, and the tension just kept on escalating. To top it off, the exact person I had my suspicions on from the second part turned out to be the main suspect. That was just the cherry on top of my satisfaction. I'm afraid the finale can't possibly top this, but if I'm wrong, I'll gladly eat my words.