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Kritiken (10 817)


From Hell (2001) 

Englisch I would like to say that it is an excellent movie, but it simply isn't. I have to take into account that it is a movie based on a comic, moreover a comic that is simply fantastic. Alan Moore is a literary genius and, together with Eddie Campbell, they created something unparalleled in the world of comics. The film that was made based on the source material is quite dark and has interesting characters, but it simply dismisses the depth of the comic book novel.


Russian Roulette (2014) 

Englisch This movie was average for me, until it got me with its point. It's not really insanely surprising, but thanks to that, the whole movie gained a new charm that is complete and enjoyable. It simply got me, even though it may not say as much to many people. And they might consider the finale to be ordinary.


Futurama: Bender's Game (2008) (Videokompilation) 

Englisch "Futurama" took a humorous approach to the fantasy genre this time and tackled the greatest classic of all, "The Lord of the Rings". I must admit that the story looks completely different in the first half an hour, but eventually we get to the essence of it. Personally, I don't like this episode very much, but once again, there are moments that are simply funny. "Futurama" can never completely disappoint, at least if you enjoy the series.


Yellow Sticky Notes (2007) 

Englisch The idea itself is quite good. Contacting 15 different Canadian animators and making an animation only using yellow sticky notes. As an experiment, it's excellent, but the result is... well, quite average, nothing completely surprising or exceptional.


Batman & Robin (1997) 

Englisch No one really saw that the script is a mess, huh? Clooney is not a poorly cast actor character-wise, but the script is so overloaded with nonsense that it even contradicts comic book facts, making it impossible to watch. Even the insane colors are to blame. It's sad when the best scene to me is the very last one, where the three superheroes run towards the camera. That's how the whole movie should've been. Dark, not a circus of idiots and colors.


Sevilla (2012) 

Englisch The movie definitely didn't impress me as much as it probably intended to. The format of "Jízdy" is overly familiar, but why not, at least the twist is somewhat different, although the outcome doesn't differ that much. That one moment is quite interesting, but it's not exceptional.


Stripped - Frisches Fleisch (2012) booo!

Englisch Sometimes I really feel like filmmakers are mocking the audience and simply making fools of them. What are they trying to prove with this? That anyone can make a horror movie? No, they are actually proving the complete opposite. The film has absolutely no atmosphere, it is not entertaining or interesting in any way. This is just mindless boredom that only filmmakers could enjoy, no one else. The decline of found footage horror into a deep abyss is simply obvious.


Ghost Rider (2007) 

Englisch Ghost Rider is an incredibly charismatic character, but what happened to her in the movie is simply ordinary. We have a "superhero" who is supposed to be ambivalent, but in reality, she is not. We have a villain who is only negative, nothing else can be said about him. Peter Fonda adds something extra to his character at least. Nicolas Cage didn't bother me either, I generally like him, but the script is just one big cliché that has to end awkwardly happily. This character could look completely different in the right hands. Even the western stylization doesn't suit it.


Prospect (2014) 

Englisch When you look at it, this is much better than "After the Earth's Demise", which basically has the same theme, only it's more about early puberty of a boy. Here, it's about a girl becoming a woman. It depends on the decisions we make. It's not bad, but it's not completely exceptional either.


Futurama - Die Ära des Tentakels (2008) (Videokompilation) 

Englisch It's not as clever as the first movie, but it's still quite funny. The huge tentacled creature is not anything original, but that doesn't change the fact that it can still be taken as a parody of the sci-fi genre, perhaps even with a reference to Lovecraft. Overall, there are way too many themes in this that are not well resolved together.