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Kritiken (10 821)


Schweigende Lippen (1948) 

Englisch For me an unexpected surprise and a very good film. You might think a movie with a deaf girl is almost a sure thing, but here it's presented incredibly humanely, beautifully, and yet very tough, with scenes you wouldn't expect. A very good movie that definitely doesn't deserve to fade into obscurity, if only for those wonderful acting performances.


Jimmy's Hall (2014) 

Englisch In the film Jimmy's Hall, what's interesting is how you can also explore historical events, in this case through one dance hall that you might think isn't particularly important. And yet it was. But the plot failed to engage me, as would be appropriate for a film about events that are not so familiar to me.


Gold (2016) 

Englisch I didn't think a movie with this title and Matthew in a similar role - mainly visually - could captivate me much, but in the end, it turned out that the story was wonderfully acted and presented with a pleasant sense of humor, so I just enjoyed myself. Not right from start to finish, but I certainly didn't mind watching it one bit.


Jack Reacher: Kein Weg zurück (2016) 

Englisch In my case, the fact that Cobie Smulders appears here helps a lot, as I really like her and always enjoy seeing her. It's quite action-packed, Tom Cruise doesn't seem to lose anything with age, or at least it's presented in a way that it looks like he doesn't lose anything. However, it is still a nice thriller mainstream.


Hawaii (1966) 

Englisch The first hour, where the viewer gets acquainted with the environment and meets interesting characters directly on the islands, is still quite good, but once the film tries to extract human drama from it, it just doesn't work anymore, despite the interesting actors who appear here. This had greater potential, although admittedly, among Hawaiian films, this one is a better one.


Aarakshan (2011) 

Englisch Amitabh Bachchan is one of those actors in Indian Bollywood whom I admire, and I actually prefer his current appearance and acting more than his earlier films. That's why the movie caught my attention mainly because of him, although there's also an effort to tell a story, which has its good dramatic moments, especially towards the end. But still, it's unnecessarily long in this case.


Undisputed - Sieg ohne Ruhm (2002) 

Englisch The environment is good because there can be very moving stories in prison. This is a story that primarily tries to be action-packed, but ends up being better on a more civil level. There are some good actors here, but the likes of Peter Falk are basically unused at all, which is a great shame. In the end, it doesn't impress with its plot either.


Jesus von Nazareth (1977) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch Those who are Christian must enjoy this movie because it's probably one of the best and most faithful adaptations of the story of Jesus in the sense that there's essentially nothing here that could be controversial. Things happen as they are meant to, which just seemed incredibly purposeful to me, and the movie managed to impress me more with its captivating cast.


Attack of the Undead - Lost Town (2015) 

Englisch It's such a shame that the creators didn't even try to come up with some interesting dialogues, maybe even funny ones if nothing else. With Another World, you'll simply feel like you're watching several people whose fate could be interesting, the search for truth can be rewarding for the audience, but it's all presented in a way that quickly stops entertaining you, and you might not even finish it. There's not much reason for that.


James White (2015) 

Englisch When someone close to you is dying, it's not easy to watch. That's exactly what the hero struggles with, living his whole life with his mother, slacking off even though he could do more. But he is simply unable to find the right path. Well acted, with quite a strong sense of depression, but somehow you have the feeling all along that this is what life can bring.