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Kritiken (10 848)


Australia (2008) 

Englisch "Every continent should have its blockbuster," said likely director Baz Luhrmann and made the film "Australia," which is a patriotic film, but shows the dark sides that Australia had to go through in the 20th century. After the first few minutes, the viewer is unsure of what they are actually watching. Is this supposed to be a comedy, which tries to showcase the two big Australian stars Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman in beautiful shots? Or should we take the film seriously and expect that there will be a little more to it in the end, and that we can look forward to some drama that will really move our emotions? In the end, it turns out to be a drama that wants to be grand, but actually remains somewhat small. It still focuses on the main actors and how good they look, especially Hugh Jackman, which raises the question of whether Luhrmann might be gay. He is not, at least as far as I can judge from the fact that he is married to a woman. The story of the little boy, which the film is actually about, is not as touching as it was supposed to be, and therefore - but not only for that reason - the film did not gain much favor with me, because on a runtime of almost three hours, it is not that exceptional. More:


Bruce Lee - Mein letzter Kampf (1978) 

Englisch More interesting than the film itself is its history. Bruce Lee died in 1973, but he appears in this film in scenes that have never been seen in any other film before. How is that possible? Simply because before Bruce made the film "Enter the Dragon," which ultimately cost him his life, he wanted to make the film "Game of Death." This film was supposed to have a relatively simple plot, revolving around Bruce's character ascending the levels of a temple, fighting a boss on each level. It is an idea that almost every action game uses, only the temple changes into different battlefields and levels. Several scenes were filmed, but then Bruce turned his attention to "Enter the Dragon," and he was supposed to return to "Game of Death," which unfortunately he did not have time for. After five years, however, Bruce's collaborators decided to revive the scenes, create a new framework for them, and replace Bruce Lee with doubles or footage from his older films. The film was made, and its highlight is the fight with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the legendary LA Lakers basketball player. This fight is precisely one of the scenes that Bruce managed to film, and it is clear that his level was completely above that of his doubles. The film as a whole is only a compilation that makes sense mainly as a tribute to a great man. So it needs to be taken in that way. Even so, the film does not rise above average. More:


Wasser für die Elefanten (2011) 

Englisch Fans of Robert Pattinson could enjoy their favorite actor in the film. Fans of Reese Witherspoon, on the other hand, could once again sigh in admiration of her modesty and beauty. In the end, however, it is Christoph Waltz who rightly attracts attention. The role of circus principal Augusta may at first glance seem too similar to Hans Landa from "Inglourious Basterds", but that doesn't change the fact that this Austrian is absolutely excellent. I am glad that Tarantino discovered him for Hollywood because he deserves attention. I am curious if he will receive any truly positive roles or if he will continue to be cast in negative or completely negative roles. August is exactly the type of negative role that one can despise. He is gradually pushed to a point where there is nothing positive or acceptable about him for the viewer. The foreground is then taken by the love of young veterinarian Jacob, who is also the narrator, and the acrobat Marlena. A bit of "Freaks", but mostly "Big Fish", because that's exactly what the film "Water for Elephants" tries to be. To impress with the beauty of the environment, visuals, and a strong story. However, it fails somewhere halfway and the story is not that strong. The final summary then feels unnecessarily rushed and the emotions simply do not come through. It's a shame, the actors were chosen more or less - I'm not a big fan of Reese - great. More:


Helden der Nacht (2007) 

Englisch Movie about how even if you are a loser, you can eventually become an honorable citizen, even to the extent that you will be on the side of good, specifically the police. Joaquim Phoenix shows what he's made of, unfortunately the script of this film is not groundbreaking and only gives us a glimpse into the issue, which was better portrayed in the film "American Gangster" and even better in various other mafia movies that the film industry is full of. It tries to be "new" in the sense that it shows us a slightly different story of a person, not a downfall but rather growth, which ultimately leads to the viewer feeling the weight of the pathetic effort to create an overly positive hero. Mark Wahlberg had enough room not to offend, which is typical for movies with him. "The Fighter" relied more on Christian Bale's performance, although it is true that Wahlberg also had enough space here. Sometimes he can be quite unbearable, as in "Ted". The film "We Own the Night" doses him just right. It tries to be a drama, which works in some places, but to be a truly great drama, it is too unoriginal. More:


Operation Walküre - Das Stauffenberg Attentat (2008) 

Englisch I simply can't understand one thing. Why, when making a historically authentic film, which "Valkyrie" undoubtedly is, can't the authenticity be complete? Do they really have to speak English with an American or British accent in a film where there are only Germans? Would it really be impossible to film the whole thing in German? Couldn't Cruise and the others manage to learn a bit of German text? The best thing is to see real Germans like Thomas Kretschmann speaking English. That's my biggest objection in this regard. People may say that Mel Gibson is a jerk, but when he made "The Passion of the Christ" or "Apocalypto," he stuck to maximum authenticity, and for that he deserves my great gratitude. Bryan Singer decided to film a significant event, albeit one with an infamous ending that could have led to Hitler's death. He did it well, after all, he is an experienced director, but there is something missing that would make the film truly magnificent. As a fictional documentary, it is definitely good. More:


Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) 

Englisch "Kung Fu Panda" - I mean the first part - is a movie that captivated children because there were plenty of cute characters, but it also captivated adults because they found plenty of humor here, but also a great variation on classic kung fu. The problem with the second part is that those characters are already known and cannot surprise us in any way. Panda Po needed to be made a bit clumsy again, so he is definitely not just the amazing warrior as he presented himself at the end of the first movie, but he still has a lot to learn. He is still properly silly, which simply belongs to Jack Black's voice. This is literally a role for him, even though it is animated. "Kung Fu Panda 2" doesn't have much to offer, it only tries to deepen the connection with the kung fu genre and legends of warriors, which is great for fans of martial arts, but the story is not exceptional, nothing new is brought here. "Kung Fu Panda 2" builds on the success of the first movie and that's where it ends. Favorite characters will return and supposedly that should be enough. It's not quite it, although children probably won't get bored. More:


12 Monkeys (1995) 

Englisch If someone still thinks that Brad Pitt can't act, that he's just a Hollywood good-looking guy, they should watch "12 Monkeys". This is clear proof that he is not only a good actor, he is a great actor who can truly immerse himself in a role. There are very few of them like him. He proves it with every other film, whether it's "Babel," "Benjamin Button," or "Moneyball." Besides him, even Bruce Willis is not a bad actor, he is capable of handling action, serious, and comedic roles. Now he had to present himself as an actor of a serious role and he succeeded. His James Cole is as crazy as the whole film is crazy. Paranoia and schizophrenia intertwine in a story that evokes feelings of duality and misunderstanding in the viewer. Madness is conveyed along with other emotions, which only shows how excellent a film is as a means of evoking emotions. It is unique with its visual side, which Terry Gilliam has simply mastered. But this time, the story also worked. Within two hours, you will be taken to different places, seemingly in one world, but on closer inspection, it's actually uncertain if you are still in one place. As I said, schizophrenia and paranoia transition from scenes to the viewer. Terry Gilliam also has an incredible sense of humor, which is inserted into the plot only as a kind of enhancement, treats that many viewers may not even notice, but attentive ones will appreciate. "12 Monkeys" is an excellent film where everything eventually comes together and makes basic sense. More:


Brokeback Mountain (2005) 

Englisch I know who would want to watch a movie about two cowboys who have a fling one time out of boredom - yes, both of them are men - and their love lasts until the end, but it really is worth it. This is a story about cowboys, it is a story about love, but also about unfulfilled love. As time changes, so do the protagonists. It shows in their appearance, but also in the fact that their personalities, dreams, and lives change. It may not appeal to everyone. The viewer is already full of prejudices when they find out what the film is actually about. If they are not open to the idea that two guys can simply fall in love, they probably won't enjoy the film at all, maybe they won't even finish watching it. If you want to test how homophobic you are, watch it until the end and see what you feel. Satisfaction or sadness. Based on that, you can finally decide what your stance is on this issue. More:


Walk Hard: Die Dewey Cox Story (2007) 

Englisch "Dewey Cox" is essentially a classic biographical film about a musician who started from nothing, reached the top, only to fall hard, lose everything, realize that family is the most important thing, and discover other values before returning to the guitar in the twilight of his life and playing his favorite style again, which is essentially folk rock. J. C. Reilly proves that he has good comedic potential, as well as showing more serious nuances, such as in "God of Carnage". The film does not deviate from the basic style of biographical music films, but tries to bring the story to life with humor, which is sometimes awkward, sometimes boring, but often genuinely funny. The most memorable moment is probably the machete severing, which may not be able to be properly stitched back together. The film features an incredible number of good and bad comedians, but is mainly a celebration of music and all its historical periods and great personalities, which were born to the sound of guitar riffs and in a cloud of marijuana smoke. This business is not always kind, beautiful, it is tough and you can hit rock bottom. But in life, you have to go hard - "Walk Hard". Judd Apatow proves that comedy is his craft and that jokes don't have to be repetitive, but can be innovative. More:


Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu (1972) 

Englisch "The Way of the Dragon" is a legendary movie. Perhaps not so much because Bruce Lee plays in it, but mainly because Chuck Norris also appears in it. He still plays without his specific beard, but what is much more significant is the fact that Bruce and Chuck have a showdown in the final fight, but it's not Chuck who wins, on the contrary. It's Bruce Lee who emerges from the fight as the victor and Chuck is the one who dies in the fight. It's probably the only movie where this happens. Something like Steven Seagal and his death in "Boeing 747 in Peril". But not to just highlight Chuck's presence, I have to say that Bruce again showed what he is capable of and sold his experience gained in movies, as well as his philosophical and fighting path. He has an incredibly chiseled chest. When you see him warming up and stretching, you'll say to yourself that he really could break rocks. Every fight of his is worth it, as well as his comedic, often grotesque performances. He is truly a loss. More: