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Kritiken (10 848)


Scream at the Devil (2014) 

Englisch On the one hand, the American movie Scream at the Devil is an attempt at a somewhat original satanic horror movie. However, unfortunately, it misses the mark, and there is simply an insecure woman going crazy, and you can only hope that it picks up a bit which it does towards the end a little. However, even so, it is not anything to write home about.


Noctem (2017) 

Englisch The Spanish-Mexican movie Noctem shows that it is not easy to make found footage movies and that movie makers prefer to follow what has already been made regardless of what country they hail from. Most put a minimum of inventiveness into the filming. Noctem is not a movie worth seeing as it is just one of several other horror movies you are going to forget.


Midnight Macabre (2017) booo!

Englisch The American movie Midnight Macabre is a great example of bad movie-making, not that I am saying it is an example of a bad horror movie because that would insult the horror genre. It is bad and a waste of time to watch such a movie and simply reinforces the idea that horror really is a terrible, awful genre. In this case, it does, although it is not a good representation of horror movies, so it is better to ignore it.


Zombie Tidal Wave (2019) 

Englisch Zombie Tidal Wave is a very lightweight American zombie action horror movie with a lot of gore, which is great, although it fails to ignite my passion enough for me actually to enjoy it. It kind of managed to ignite it, although not enough. I did not find it very funny, did not feel any suspense, and in the end, there is not that much of Ziering, and I guess it bothered me that he was just typecast repeatedly playing the same role.


Two on a Guillotine (1965) 

Englisch The American horror movie Two on a Guillotine is a product of its time. There is not much atmosphere, although you can see that the movie's makers' main aim was to entertain the audience, which still works today simply. Connie Stevens is still beautiful, there are some quirks to lighten the atmosphere, and there is a little bit of suspense at the end, so you cannot say this is not at least a bit dramatic.


Seeds of Yesterday (2015) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch Do not expect anything extremely shocking about the Canadian movie Seeds of Yesterday. You should not expect anything in your face or explicit, only what you would expect from a television drama attempting some thriller elements. It is like a soap opera where people die or at least are psychologically harmed, although, in reality, it is a long-winded bore-fest.


The Huntress: Rune of the Dead (2019) 

Englisch The co-production The Huntress: Rune of the Dead is definitely not one of those movies that will thrill you with its blistering pace. No, this is a movie with a nearly two-hour-long running time. It is not an outright darkly scary horror movie, although it works as a depressing look at the breakup of a family. It is mostly a slow-paced movie that is all about gradually building atmosphere to the point of a big reveal.


Curon (2020) (Serie) 

Englisch The first season of Curon focuses on a very specific, strange little town that has its own dark characters and fates that are not always pretty. I think the aim of this television series was not to scare you but rather it is more about the depressing atmosphere that plays a major role here and the fact that you are kept in the dark most of the time, only gradually discovering things. However, unfortunately, that means that it can get quite boring at times.


The Tombs (2019) 

Englisch Unfortunately, the British movie The Tombs confirms the fact that not many good horror movies have come out of the UK in recent years. This movie is no exception because it is, unfortunately, really awful. There is hardly a single impressive scene, and there are a lot of Halloween masks yet no stunts, gimmicks, or trickery to speak of.


Spur in den Tod (1984) 

Englisch The British movie Scream for Help is a nice example of paranoia and, ultimately, a 1984 home invasion movie that gives the viewer exactly what they want. There are strong female protagonists, sneaky bastards, uncomfortable situations, and a fight to survive. It is intimate and was all filmed inside with no exterior shots, and just works, even if the movie’s screenplay is nothing to write home about. There is tons of suspense and good acting performances, so it is good enough.