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  • Drama
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  • Kurzfilme
  • Dokumentation

Kritiken (3 972)


Ein Engel an meiner Tafel (1990) 

Deutsch Seien wir ehrlich und weisen wir darauf hin, dass die moderne neuseeländische Literatur hierzulande kein sehr exponiertes Thema ist. Die Bücher von Janet Frame sind noch nicht oft übersetzt worden, aber das macht es umso angenehmer, ihrer Filmbiografie zuzuhören. Jane Campions Finesse und ihr feiner Geschmack führen uns durch drei Kapitel ihres Lebens, das alles hat: ihre Familie, ihr Aufwachsen, die vielen Fehltritte des 20. Jahrhunderts in Kurzform und vor allem ihren Glauben an die Menschen. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich einen Abstecher zum Kiwi Film Fest gemacht habe.


Bright Star - Meine Liebe. Ewig. (2009) 

Deutsch Jane Campions Arbeit ist im besten Sinne des Wortes intim. Ich bin froh, dass sie sich an die Geschichte von Keats gehalten hat. Ihre Wahrnehmung der Welt hob ihn auf und präsentierte ihn erneut. Wunderschöne Bilder, realistische Emotionen und natürlich hervorragende Kulissen und Kostüme. Es ist eine Freude, eine solche Melancholie zu erleben. Und ich freue mich darauf, John Keats' Briefe und Gedichte an Fanny Brawne in meine Bibliothek aufzunehmen und neben Mozarts Briefe an Constanze zu stellen.


Příběhy slavných - Smrt o Vánocích (2011) (Folge) 

Englisch An unusually depressing episode about Milena Dvorská, who has received attention in all the major acting cycles of the present. So what was it about? About her role as a mother? About her in The 13th Chamber? About political attitudes? About her missed chances at the National Theater? About the fact that she used to be cast mainly based on her looks? As usual, everything was just hinted at, expressively portrayed by relatives, classmates, colleagues and last but not least by the theater critic Just, who dreamed of the question: what did Milena Dvorská do wrong not to take part in the new wave? As always, basic facts are missing, emotions are more important, and after all these years of documentary series, that makes it really boring.


Příběhy slavných - Milovník života (2013) (Folge) 

Englisch A classically tiresome episode from the Czech series about famous people - impressions and experiences of various people (relatives, acquaintances...) above all, yet it can't be said that it somehow holds together. We don't get the basic axis of professional life, nor do we get a clear outline of the main aspects of the private life. Pavel Taussig didn't even make it into his first film role... But it's nice that even Blanka Kovaříková was surprised about who she was actually writing a book about. Unfortunate.


Bakaláři - Blondýna (1980) (Folge) 

Englisch "Dear TV, that story is quite a few years old, but I still remember it. A young female offender who didn't like her job but needed money to show off had an idea of how to get it. And unfortunately the idea worked."


Bakaláři - Dům pro celou rodinu (1981) (Folge) 

Englisch Another nothing that wants to be something from the Bakaláři series. It's hard to decide whether the old b&w parts shot on low-quality material are more unpleasant, or these "modern" ones shot on low-quality color material. However, the solution is probably easy, as only a less believable pair than Maciuchová/Štěpnička can be found here.


Schůzka se stíny (1982) 

Englisch An excellent suggestive experiment with the formal aspect that goes hand in hand with great visceral acting. It's no surprise, of course, that Brejchová and Brzobohatý can often perform miracles, but in a film with such feeling, it's sheer joy. One of the many films I sorely miss on DVD.


Dům Na poříčí (1976) 

Englisch It is quite obvious that in the mid-1970s it was really easy to be attracted by a substance that could be included in the collection of the normalization indictment of the pre-Munich republic. The case of this film describes not only the scheme of corruption of capitalist society, which it is necessary to spit at, but also the all-seeing perspective of "today." If we add the traditionally completely failing period sets, costumes, and make-up, which hardly refer to the specific realities of 1928, we have the traditional schlock or a spoof of the State Film of the Bad Years. However, it would not be entirely fair to reject this Svoboda and Štorkán project because they did a good job in working with the text of the novel "Milion" and its subsequent transposition into a film script. It’s hard to explain the development that in the following few years meant that Svoboda soon became an author who could take over scripts originally intended for Vláčil. The path to the limelight through the alleys of the FSB used to be a difficult one.


Sie liebt ihn - Sie liebt ihn nicht (1998) 

Deutsch Damals ein Riesenerfolg, heute ein Relikt aus einer Zeit, in der in allen wichtigen britischen Filmen John Hannah in einer Nebenrolle zu sehen war. Gwyneth Paltrow selbst war schon immer ein Star der anderen Art. Obwohl sie auf den ersten Blick eine zerbrechliche Blondine ist, standen ihre Rollen oft im Kontrast oder im Gegensatz zu ihrem Aussehen, und das kam hier sehr gut rüber. Eine graue Maus in gewöhnlicher, langweiliger Kleidung schadet sich selbst, indem sie in einer schlechten Beziehung verharrt, ein Mädchen mit neuem Lebensmut verändert ihr äußeres Erscheinungsbild, konzentriert sich auf ihre Stärken und ihr Selbstvertrauen verleiht ihr sofort eine etwas andere Lebensgeschichte, denn es ist nie möglich, sich von der ursprünglichen grauen Maus zu lösen. Nett zum Nachdenken, das Drehbuch hat es in sich, es ist eine nette Auffrischung des klassischen Romcom-Konzepts, aber ich würde es trotzdem vorziehen, wenn die Sets nicht so trocken britisch wären. Aber was für den einen trocken ist, sucht der andere, nicht wahr?


Katapult (1983) 

Englisch The beginning of the 1980s was great. The scripts that had been condemned by normalization were released and the audience finally saw the slightly perverse Katapult and The Downfall of the Secluded Berhof. The theme sketched by Páral is fine and I am very glad that its final form was given to it by Jireš in a time that is very similar to today, so it is very timeless. A classic story of a philanderer who has enough of everything, a nice and pretty wife, a nice child, a nice apartment and a suitable job... but the routine ends up getting to him. He is so worried about himself that he sees the solution only in starting a new double life, the Don Juan brand. Surprisingly, this decision can be made very easily with the help of a dating ad. And then it flows like clockwork, our Don Juan keeps his wife in reserve and regularly changes collections of women in various stages of infatuation. One is young, another is mature, one is earthy, another is intellectual, one is replacing her late husband, and still another wants to get married for the first time. It is a colorful, alarming, very real world that should not be forgotten or a blind eye turned toward it.