Zamani Esmati

Zamani Esmati

geb. 1973
Jazd, Iran


Zamani Esmati (b. 1973, Yazd, Iran) took a bachelor's degree as a surveying engineer but an interest in film changed the direction of his career. In 1996 he shot his first 8mm short, and since then his movies, primarily documentaries, have gained attention at home and abroad (e.g. An Unfinished Story / Yek dastane natamam, 2000, and The Good Soil / Khake khoub, 2002). He made his first feature in 2004, Narrow Alleys (Kochehaye barik, 2004), the story of two brothers who find a tape player with the recorded voice of a dead man, however, the film encountered problems with Iranian censorship. The psychological drama The Orion is his second feature project.

MFF Karlovy Vary


