Christian Friedel

Christian Friedel

geb. 09.03.1979 (45 Jahre)
Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Deutsche Demokratische Republik


Born 1979 in Magdeburg, Christian Friedel, after high school graduation and alternative service, finished his drama studies at the Munich Otto-Falckenberg-School in 2004. In the same year he went into his first engagement at the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel and guested at the same time at the Munich Kammerspiele.

In 2005 he took over a part in „Tales of the Vienna Woods" at the Salzburg Festival, a co-production with the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel. In 2006 he was hired by the Schauspiel Hanover and under the directorship of Wilfried Schulz played, among others, „Ruprecht" in „Der zerbrochene Krug", „Franz Moor" in „Die Räuber" as well as the title role in „Prinz Friedrich von Homburg".

In 2009 he followed Wilfried Schulz to the Staatsschauspiel Dresden, where he was permanently employed until the summer of 2013 and appeared, among others, as „Don Carlos" (invited to the Theatertreffen 2011), „Peer Gynt", „Oedipus Rex" and „Hamlet". For his theatrical roles, Christian Friedel has received many awards, among them the 2010 Erich Ponto-Preis of the Staatsschauspiel Dresden.

Apart from the theatre, Christian Friedel, could during the past years increasingly be seen on the big screen. After a few shorts, he appeared in a feature film for the first time in 2009 – in Michael Haneke's multiple-award winning The White Ribbon. It was followed by smaller roles as in Chicken with Plums (2011) by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud, as well as leading roles in Closed Season (2012) by Franziska Schlotterer and at the side of Matthias Schweighöfer and Friedrich Mücke in the film version of Wladimir Kaminer's bestselling novel of the same name, Russian Disco (2012).

More recently, Christian Friedel acted in Christoph Röhl's TV-drama Die Auserwählten as well as the main lead, Heinrich von Kleist, in Jessica Hausner's Amour Fou (2014), which celebrated its world premiere in 2014 during „Un Certain Regard" at the Cannes film festival.

Besides acting, Christian Friedel has a passion for music. He plays the piano, released his first EP „The Closer" in 2011 and in 2012 formed the band „Woods Of Birnam", releasing their debut album in November 2014.

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Verwandte News

36. Europäische Filmpreise - die Nominierungen

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