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Mit Horrorträumen reagiert der sechsjährige Tad auf die Schwierigkeiten seiner Eltern. Dabei waren Donna und Vic Trennton eigens von New York fortgezogen, um in einer Kleinstadt ein besseres Leben zu führen. Doch anstatt der erhofften Idylle stellen sich immer größere Probleme ein, bis eines Tages auch der Horror reale Gestalt annimmt: Cujo, der gutmütige Bernhardiner, verwandelt sich urplötzlich in eine blutrünstige Bestie. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch The creators managed to bury a fairly successful adaptation of King’s novel, Cujo, by giving it a completely different ending. Like almost always, I suppose. In reality it would hardly turn out so well. But the scenes with the irate St. Bernard are really well filmed and the dog is really terrifying when he attacks the car. Although it is missing the detailed description of Cujo’s mental health and how he gradually loses self-control that is in the book (there is even a faint hint that Cujo is the reincarnation of mass murderer Frank Dodd from one of King’s previous novels, “Dead Zone"), but I admit that this would probably be impossible to film. ()