
Im Jahr 2035 regieren Pharmakonzerne die Welt. Knapp ein Drittel der Bevölkerung ist arbeitslos. Menschen verkaufen ihren Körper zu Testzwecken an die Pharmaindustrie, die gefährliche Medikamente für die wenigen Wohlhabenden entwickelt. Ares ist professioneller Cage-Fighter. Er versucht sich und die Kinder seiner Schwester mit der Kohle aus diesen Showkämpfen zu ernähren. Um fit zu bleiben, verkauft auch er seinen Körper. Er soll ein neuartiges Medikament an sich testen. Es soll ihn unbesiegbar machen. Aber zu welchem Preis? Dann passiert etwas, was die neue Weltordnung erschüttern wird: denn eigentlich sollte er sterben... (Tiberius Film)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch Solid dark sci-fi set in a future where the state of France is bankrupt, there are 15 million unemployed, the government has been taken over by a consortium institute and one of the few ways to make money is in a fighting arena where doping has been legalized and various companies are of course competing to see who can invent the most effective drug. Great idea, grim to dirty atmosphere, excellent action and fine pacing. Perhaps a shame that such good idea didn't have more ambition as with a better writer there would have much more magic to be done. Still, a decent film that deserves to get more exposure. The lead, Ola Rapace, looks like Scott Adkins’ twin. 7/10. ()


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Englisch Visually, it's not a bad film at all, but considering how much effort the creators put into this aspect, it's almost a shame that it's essentially only used to showcase some quite nice exteriors a few times. Otherwise, the story focuses on a tale of poverty, where poverty can be overcome by winning brutal matches. It’s nothing surprisingly strong. ()