Das Messer im Wasser

  • Bundesrepublik Deutschland Das Messer im Wasser (mehr)


Ein polnisches Ehepaar fährt zu einer Segeltour auf den Masurischen Seen und nimmt unterwegs einen trampenden Studenten mit. Die Segelpartie entwickelt sich zu einer verbissenen Auseinandersetzung zwischen dem älteren Mann, einem erfolgreichen Sportredakteur, dem zornig posierenden Studenten, der es zu nicht viel mehr als einem großen Messer gebracht hat, und der Frau, die offenbar beide Generationen nicht sonderlich achtet. Zunächst entlarvt der junge Außenseiter den arrivierten Besitzbürger, am Ende erweist er sich selbst nur als das jugendliche Spiegelbild des Älteren. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Solo for two men, one woman and one sailboat. Roman Polanski proves that it only takes a little to make a great film, which was graced with an Oscar nomination. ()


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Englisch This film clearly shows Polanski’s talent at generating tension between characters merely through inventive staging and the composition of sound. Unfortunately, the exposition is very long and the moment shit should get real and the previous events are supposed to become a psychological inferno the expectations remain unmet. It would take Polanski a little time to make truly great movies. 65% ()



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Englisch For someone who had just gotten out of school and had little experience, Polanski created an impressive film that can be classified as a psychological drama, with a minimal budget. Polanski only needed three actors, a boat, a deserted lake, and two excessively developed male egos to create an impressive atmosphere. Plot-wise, the film is not remarkable, but the dialogues and acting are memorable. Above all, Knife in the Water clearly showed Polanski's potential in the world of cinema. Overall impression: 65%. ()


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Englisch Perhaps it could be said that Roman Polanski is the exemplary master of minimalism, which of course he proves in his later work. The concept of his first film directly encourages it – three actors in a very limited space and a concept that is truly almost theatrical. Being "closed in" on that lake creates an interestingly oppressive atmosphere and deepens the psychological depth of the film. The beginning is rather lukewarm, but once the "macho" dialogue starts to gradually escalate, the whole film picks up momentum and offers an open-ended but (at least for me) quite enjoyable ending. Polanski and his first example of pure craftsmanship. ()

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