
In night club handsome and excellent dancer Maksim gets acquainted with young girl named Masha, who is from Konotop. They waltz on pleasure of everybody present. Soon Masha comes to one capital realty agency looking for a job and by good fortune Maksim appears to be the header of this agency. He not only engages her but falls in love with her. After some time he leaves all his lovers and makes a decision to get married with Masha. But suddenly Masha disappears. Maksim rushes about the town looking for his beloved. Alina, Masha's friend, helps him together with her boyfriend Stas. When fervent amorous finds Masha in Konotop, she appears to have married Evgeniy and moreover she has a 5- years old daughter. Maksim returns to Kiev in desperation . Soon Masha comes and tells that she is leaving to America with her husband and daughter. Her husband appears to be a doctor and her daughter is seriously ill. There is a chance for girl to recover abroad and therefore Masha has to go there but she loves Maksim. Kostya, a friend of Maksim, appears to be the doctor who examines Masha's daughter and he incriminates Zhenya in telling lies... he falsifies medical conclusion with the view to make Masha get married him. The truth celebrates, Maksim and Masha are happy together. (Star Media)
