
Vincent arbeitet als Broker für seine herrische Chefin Eva. Doch plötzlich hat er eine bahnbrechende Idee, die ihm das große Geld einbringen könnte. Gemeinsam mit seinem Cousin Anton plant er den Bau eines Tunnels von Kansas nach New Jersey, um ein Glasfaserkabel zu verlegen und so anderen Brokern ein paar Millisekunden voraus zu sein. Eva erfährt allerdings von dem Vorhaben und sagt den beiden Männern den Kampf an. (ProSieben FUN)


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Englisch A film with a great and very important idea for me personally: The world is becoming more and more interconnected, everything is accelerating, but what does one really have from it all? I had no idea that The Hummingbird Project had come into being, and I am even more surprised. At first I was afraid it would be a variation on Fincher's The Social Network, but unnecessarily - it's something completely different, but with the equally excellent Jesse Eisenberg, the surprising Alexander Skarsgård and the divine Salma Hayek, who got the least interesting character, but it was still a joy to see her act in something that's not a silly comedy. ()

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