
Die Popes fliehen seit dem Vietnamkrieg vor dem FBI. Als ihr Sohn Danny sich in die Tochter seines ihn musikalisch fördernden Musiklehrers verliebt, muss sein Vater eine schwere Entscheidung treffen. (TNT Film)

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Englisch All happy families are similar, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Although this is how Tolstoy introduces Anna Karenina, Lumet's film captures the most famous introductory sentence of world literature more accurately. I don't remember ever seeing such a multi-layered drama that would be similarly emotional and, at the same time, free of grand gestures. A lot is said, but that which goes unspoken has the strongest impact, which works undeniably well thanks to the complete ensemble led by the central trio of Phoenix, Hirsch and Lahti. ()

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