The Perfect Selfie



Finnish Instagram star Olivia Oras has 20 000 followers. But for her, the number of followers really does not even matter. Olivia is the daughter of an artist, and her life is a bit different from that of an ordinary teenager. Olivia shares photos of the feel-good moments in her life. She is also critical of social media and its users. Olivia feels bad about how social media creates preconceptions and makes us think of people as superficial. At the same time, she herself is a contributor to this social media trend. But even though it causes anxiety at times, social media is constant, and a world that Olivia has grown up in. The Perfect Selfie follows Olivia’s life for one year, showing the moments that she does not share online. There are also bad days, and sometimes the going gets too tough. There are also many happy events that do not end up being posted on her account. This documentary is a reminder of the fact that we often show only a small fraction of ourselves in social media, only selecting the best moments to publish. Olivia has 20 000 followers, but who really knows her? (DocPoint)


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S: Finnisch U: Englisch