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Der angesehene Journalist Phil Green recherchiert für ein Magazin über die Lebensumstände jüdischer Bürger in den USA und gibt sich deshalb selbst als Jude aus. Diese Enthüllung macht ihn plötzlich zum Außenseiter. Der angesehene Journalist erlebt offenen Hass, aber auch versteckte Vorurteile und entdeckt, dass manche Juden ihre Herkunft verschleiern. Als seine Verlobung unter der Belastung zu zerbrechen droht und sein Sohn in der Schule zusammengeschlagen wird, spitzt sich die Lage zu. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Watching Gentleman's Agreement almost made me nauseous. Not even because of how the film is shot, or how it's acted, because there's not much to criticize about that because it's good. But rather because one realizes that it's a film that accentuates antisemitism soon after the war. But 70 years have passed, and nothing has changed in the world. The hate is still there and it’s even worse. Basically a timeless film. ()


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Englisch Elia Kazan once again as the director of a social drama. That's why there is abundant, frequent, and rapid dialogue, magnanimous forgiveness, and consequences evaded at the right moment. Less is sometimes more, and one intense scene would have been enough for this film and would have said more than the fifth or sixth monologue about what could be getting done but isn't. Gregory Peck himself later admitted that had he been a more mature actor, he would have put much more into the role of Mr. Green; as it is, unfortunately, he makes Gentleman's Agreement look too much like a tableau. ()


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