El Clan

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Argentinien in den frühen Achtzigern. Die Puccios leben in einem gutbürgerlichen Stadtteil in Buenos Aires, nach außen wirken sie wie eine ganz normale Großfamilie. Doch der Schein trügt. Im Verborgenen führt Patriarch Arquímedes Puccio mit harter Hand die Geschäfte der Familie, dunkle Machenschaften mit grausamen Methoden: Kidnapping, Lösegelderpressung, Mord. Hinter der Planung und der Umsetzung sämtlicher Operationen steckt Arquímedes. Dafür braucht er vor allem die bedingungslose Unterstützung seines ältesten Sohnes Alejandro, der für ihn geeignete Opfer ausfindig macht. Als Star-Spieler der Rugby-Nationalmannschaft ist dieser durch seine Berühmtheit über jeden Verdacht erhaben und somit das ideale Werkzeug. Als Alejandro jedoch das makabre Familienbusiness in Frage stellt, droht die Fassade zu bröckeln ... (PROKINO)


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Trailer 4

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Englisch A normal Argentine family. At first glance, this may just seem like another "wannabe Scorsese movie" from someone who has seen it in Mafia or Casino and would also really like to be so stylish and formally playful in terms of access to the genre. However, it will soon become clear that this is not a forced replacement or a copycat, but a regular (however straightforward) Scorsese movie in the best sense of the word. ()


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Englisch To be honest, it never really managed to draw me into the plot. Apparently I need a sympathetic character to enjoy the movie with, and yet somehow there aren't many sympathetic characters here. Maybe the curly-haired son could be considered sort of a likeable character, but I still couldn't find a way in. And since the film just swaps out scenes that don't really move me, it's still just boring even when something disturbing is going on. The film certainly has a story to tell, and it doesn't tell it badly, but it just doesn't impress. I thought I'd go a little lower with my rating, but the ending was so brilliant that the film finally woke me up and left some impact. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in kidnappings in Venezuela during the 80's or feels they have to see something from Argentina. ()


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