Day of Reckoning - Hell Will Rise



Vor 15 Jahren stiegen Millionen von Dämonen und anderen furchteinflößenden Kreaturen aus dem Inneren der Erde empor, verteilten sich über den ganzen Planeten und rotteten die Menschheit beinahe aus. Jetzt kehren die Monster während einer Mondfinsternis für 24 Stunden zurück und sind gefräßiger als je zuvor. David Shepperd und seine Familie stehen vor einer gewaltigen Aufgabe: Sie müssen versuchen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen – und sie müssen den Abgrund versiegeln, aus dem die unheilvollen Dämonen hervorkriechen. Wer wird diesen Tag der Abrechnung überleben? (WVG Medien)


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alle Kritiken

Englisch The American film Day of Reckoning is simply another film through which SyFy is trying to fill an hour and a half of your precious time when you really have nothing else to watch. It's a shame, because there was potential in this film, even if the story itself is simple and at times tragically boring. However, there was something to be gleaned from the monsters. In the end, unfortunately, that didn't work either. ()

gudaulin booo!

alle Kritiken

Englisch And people say that it makes no sense to search for the worst movie... It has become such a ritual for me that at irregular intervals when insomnia battles exhaustion, I watch a film suitable as filler for late-night television broadcasting. I understand why a low-budget film has special effects like those of Day of Reckoning, why it has the locations it has, and why it uses the services of such actors. But why does the script make no sense, why do the characters behave like lunatics, and why is everything absurd? This can realistically only be reviewed as Boo! or five stars. I'm staying grounded so as not to mislead anyone. Overall impression: 5% for the unintended humor. ()


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