Billy RayKamera:
Daniel ModerMusik:
Emilio KaudererBesetzung:
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Dean Norris, Alfred Molina, Joe Cole, Michael Kelly, Zoe Graham, Lyndon Smith, Mark Famiglietti (mehr)Streaming (5)
Einst waren Jess und Ray ein bestens aufeinander eingespieltes FBI-Ermittler-Duo. Gemeinsam mit Staatsanwältin Claire waren sie nach 9/11 einer islamistischen Terrorzelle auf der Spur. Der Fund der Leiche eines Mädchens veränderte jedoch alles: Das Mordopfer war Jess' Tochter. Der mutmaßliche Täter wurde rasch gefasst, musste aber wegen mangelnder Beweise wieder frei gelassen werden. 13 Jahre später hat Ray neue Indizien in der Hand und will mit Jess und Claire den Mörder endlich zur Strecke bringen. (ORF)
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Kritiken (5)
Dieses Krimidrama ist wie ein All-Star-Film besetzt, aber die Typologie hinkt irgendwie. Schade drum, Julia, Nicole und Alfred Molina sind allesamt sehr gute Schauspieler. Aber dieses Genre ist für sie nicht ideal. Na ja, egal, nächstes Mal wird es besser. ()
Same bullshit as the original. More acceptable casting, but boring and annoying. Good for sleeping, though. ()
With the unchewed lips of the Argentine original, my assessment might be lenient, but I didn't have any major issue with the story about passion that either continuously burns or, conversely, never gets the chance to fully ignite. The intertwining of time frames requires a certain level of attention; Chiwetel Ejiofor naturally brings both personal aspects of his character (the platonic relationship and the unresolved case) closer together, and some scenes have a proper impact through details (like removing rubber gloves in the container). Julia Roberts is without her makeup and has crazy bangs and her teeth in a cup at home, but I'm not sure if I saw it in those eyes... ()
A pretty good thriller, whose original I haven't seen yet, but if it's at least a bit better than this American remake, then I'd say it could be really good. The idea isn't bad, but the resolution can be guessed because it relies too much on the actors and not as much on the story. The acting is good but the actors make it a bit predictable. ()
A solid detective thriller that didn’t particularly wow me, but I’m still satisfied with it. Based on the ratings and reviews here, I expected the worst possible scenario, but the film surprised me. Its quality is clearly defined by the excellent cast, and famous names appear one after another. The best of all was probably Chiwetel Ejiofor, who surprised me with his performance. The film is full of clichés, but I personally found some brighter moments as well. Among these moments is definitely the ending, which delivers unexpected twists. An above-average detective film by today’s standards, and I give it 70%. ()
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