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Nach fünf Jahren Gefängnis ist Bill Kiowa wieder auf freiem Fuß, nachdem er unschuldig die Strafe für den Mord an seiner Frau verbüßt hat. Bill will Rache und bezahlt vier Killer dafür, die Spur des wahren Mörders, Elfego, aufzunehmen. Der ist vorgewarnt, greift sich Kiowa und seinen Verbündeten O’Bannion und will sie um die Ecke bringen. Doch Kiowas Männer können beide befreien und setzen alles daran, Elfego dingfest zu machen. (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch Bud Spencer is laughing from the Czech poster, but immediately after a few minutes it is apparent that it is just a slick marketing move to lure the viewer to a movie, which will catch the viewer’s attention with the only thing that the ordinary Czech viewer knows in this movie – with Bud. However, he does not play the leading role in this movie, although he is clearly the most interesting character. He is also not how I like him best in all of his more famous movies. Sure, he is charismatic, but he lacks a likeable face. In this movie he is simply a mountain of man that kicks ass and gets beaten pretty rough as well. I regret the lack of hammer punch, however, this was meant to be a decent western movie. The whole time it’s rather average, until the final scene, taking place at night, which amazingly explains the whole revenge. ()

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