Nazi Gospels



The Nazi Gospels digs deep into the twisted psyche of the Nazi state, revealing its bizarre occult underpinnings: from Himmler's idea of the SS as an ancient knightly order, to the Ariosophic and Thule secret societies; the Wotan pagan rites and forest festivals; expeditions to Tibet; the search for the Holy Grail; the occultist Karl Wiligut and his SS weddings inside Himmler's castle at Wewelsburg; the mystical power of music and ancient runes; the mad cosmology of Hans Hörbiger, through to the strange sexual beliefs enforced by Nazi power. From this twisted hotchpotch of legend, ritual, religion and fairy-tale, the Third Reich created their own unique faith. Race, love, sex, war, history, geology, education, health, astronomy, and music were all covered by the gospels of the Nazis. Here was a new way to understand human life, the natural world and the supernatural, the history of the planet and the working of the cosmos. (Verleiher-Text)



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