
Schnelle Autos, schnelle Geschäfte, schneller Sex. Als Stebbi seinen alten Jugendfreund Tóti wiedertrifft, scheint seine Zeit als kleiner trink- und rauflustiger Student zu Ende. Mit Tóti gibt es Drogen, Spaß und Dauerparty. Bis Bruno das Revier erobern will, ein knallharter Drogenboss. (TELE 5)

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Englisch Once again, Iceland has convinced me of their filmmaking qualities. Black’s Game is a fairly difficult movie to watch and it’s hard to find a character that would grow on me in any way. But it still has a very high-quality story based on real life events and also a proper gangster atmosphere. And even though the actors aren’t exactly most-likeable-character nominees, they were still able to grab my attention, which is important. I watched this for the Challenge Tour 2015. ()