Henry & Julie - Der Gangster und die Diva

  • Deutschland Henry's Crime (mehr)

Streaming (1)


Die Handlung dreht sich um einen Mann, der für einen Banküberfall, den er nicht begangen hat, ins Gefängnis musste. Nachdem er drei Jahre hinter Gittern verbracht hat und wieder frei ist, beschließt er, das Verbrechen, dessen Strafe er bereits verbüßt hat, tatsächlich zu begehen. (Verleiher-Text)

Kritiken (1)


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Englisch What a bad trip. The whole robbery thing and the movie too. The whole robbery thing and the movie as well. Reeves is an amazingly awkward wacko, who is sort of in control of everything, but he does it so passively that most people can’t even detect the intention behind his actions. And Caan enjoys his role as a scammer to the full and is responsible for the most of the fun. It is nice to see him in a role like this. The parallel between the robbery and the play works, but I didn’t find it fateful enough to get excited about. So, it’s a pleasant three stars and hopefully they all met in “Moscow" in the end. ()