Abel FerraraDrehbuch:
Nicholas St. JohnKamera:
James LemmoMusik:
Joe DeliaBesetzung:
Zoë Lund, Abel Ferrara, Steve Dash, Nicholas St. John, Michael Minard, Jack Thibeau, Evelyn Smith, Jayne Kennedy, Stephen SingerStreaming (1)
This early 1980s cult classic still stands as a potent and uniquely feminist entry in the urban revenge subgenre. Mute fashion seamstress Thana (Zoë Tamerlis) is raped on her way home from the grocery store and then raped by a second attacker who has broken into her apartment, all within the first 15 minutes of the film. She kills the second rapist with an iron and, after recovering from the shock, starts dismembering his body. Thana then wanders the New York streets at night in a sexy black dress with her attacker's gun strapped to her garter belt, blowing away any man who tries to pick her up. What begins as a revenge film gradually becomes a disturbing portrait of urban alienation and sexual fear. New York director Abel Ferrara (THE FUNERAL, BAD LIEUTENANT) directed this, his second film, from a religious-symbol-soaked script by longtime friend Nicholas St. John. Joe Delia composed the eerie EXORCIST-style score. Highly regarded by both audiences and critics, MS. 45 is that rare breed of exploitation film--intensely disturbing yet sexy, clever, intelligent, and even funny. Tamerlis delivers an astonishing performance as Thana, and Ferrara brilliantly captures her character's distorted perspective. (Verleiher-Text)
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Die stumme Schneiderin Thana (die ikonische Zoë Lund) hat wirklich Pech - zweimal an einem Tag wird sie von zwei verschiedenen Perversen vergewaltigt - woraufhin sie mit einer .45er Knarre in ihrer Hand auf einen Kreuzzug in New York zur Reinigung vom männlichem Schmutz aufbricht. Abel Ferrara stellt einen vielschichtigen und visuell faszinierenden Rape-and-Revenge-Film in einer sehr lebendigen Umgebung des von Kriminalität geplagten New York City zusammen und präsentiert dem Zuschauer einen provokativen blutigen Höhepunkt mit einer verkleideten Nonne. Wahrhaft bemerkenswerte Leistung im Rahmen des verkommenen Genres. ()
A film that has a great subject and an absolutely breathtaking psychedelic ending. It's just a shame that at times it's still quite restrained. I think it could benefit from even more exploitation. Even so, Abel Ferrara made an excellent film about revenge, presented in a truly brutal manner. On the other hand, it's also about how every action triggers an opposite reaction. ()