
Sie nennen sich "Goonies" - eine Gruppe Jugendlicher, die in dem idyllischen Küstenstädtchen Cauldron Poindie lebt. Die Teens sind verzweifelt, denn in Kürze soll der Ort einem Country Club weichen. In den Holzhütten, die abgerissen werden sollen, finden die Goonies durch Zufall eine vergilbte Landkarte, die den Weg zum Piratenschatz des "Einäugigen Willy" beschreibt, eines Piratenkapitäns des 16. Jahrhunderts. Eine abenteuerliche Schatzsuche beginnt ... (ATV2)


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Englisch The 80s were a wild time when anything felt possible. Where else would you find a kids' adventure where the little rascals swear like Kevin Hart does in today's movies? And the best part? It's a blast. ()


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Englisch I believe that this is still a popular movie in America, but I honestly can't quite understand why. It’s undoubtedly a cool, rich and magical adventure from a child's perspective that rides the wave of the fantasy boom of the time. However, what is missing here is an original and tasteful motif that doesn't cease to entertain and fascinate us even after repeated viewings. like in E.T., and more of Spielberg, who can conjure up similar motifs from almost nothing. I’ve watched it, and I don’t have to do it again. 65% ()



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Englisch A long time ago this used to be my very favorite kids’ movie and I used to watch it over and over again, week after week on a well-worn VHS. I used to think it was flawless and perfect in all respects. Today, many years later, I can objectively see a couple of shortcomings here and there. But none of them are the kind that would prevent me from really enjoying it. All is varnished over with the sheen of a child’s adventure typical for the 80’s. Not forgetting the unforgettable musical theme which blocks out the omnipresent screams. ()


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Englisch The Goonies is deservedly considered to be a cult classic among adventure movies and the most illustrious representative of Amblin’s ’80s adventure flicks for kids, which situated spectacular, fantastical adventures in the mundane setting of American suburbs and small towns, and were conceived as rollercoaster rides packed with a full range of emotions, from suspense to fear and horror to rollicking fun. ()


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Englisch I've heard a lot about this movie, and I know it's very popular in America, but while watching it, I just didn't feel like it was anything exceptional. Yes, the child actors are good, the story is quite adventurous, there are interesting ideas, and Columbus as a screenwriter confirms his strength, but I just wasn't captivated by it. ()

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